I'm Taking a Stand 2005-03-15 5:31 p.m.

Mood - Determined + + Music -

I got the job that I applied for. I start out at $7.50 an hour. This makes me have two part time jobs with school.

I figured that by telling Dana and Sam this, they would lay off my case about getting a job. Nope! They both said that they wanted me to work full time. As in the words of Dana when I told her I was working 20 hours a week "IS THAT ALL?!" HAHAHA no, I'm not going to work more than that. Then Sam said that was fine as long as I could pay for everything, and even groceries in the future.

I've decided to take a stand. I'm very happy about my new job, as it's more of an oppurtunity for me to save up and move out. It is NOT an oppurtunity for more money for them. I'm not paying for groceries. James doesn't, and he eats five times as much as I do. The guy's 300 pounds or so. Yeaahh and Sam and Dana are each 170-180. AHHAHA I'm not paying for the fatties to eat. :P Sure, I'll pay for it if they each pay for their parts. If Dana pays for her own groceries (not making sam pay for it) and if James pays for his, I'll pay. I mean, what are they gonna do, kick me out? I'll still have my money if they do, so big deal. They can't touch it unless I give it to them. I'm saving up, and I'm moving out in July. The end.

If they insist on me buying groceries, I have came up with a plan. I'll buy baby food. That shit is cheap. I'd say I could feed myself for a week from it for $10 bucks. Then what are they gonna do? Insist that I pay for their groceries even though I've paid for my own? XD No. They're not getting that money, no matter what.

Amanda getting another job is not an oppurtunity for those idiots to take more money from her! And bitching about her having more hours doesn't mean that you're going to get more money either. Sorry. Dana, Sam : You lose. I'm going to win. Then I'm going to rub it in your face since you're so jealous anyways. And then I'm going to get a restraining order because I hate both your guts. <3

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KATT - 2005-03-17 00:29:21
I can not believe that they want you to work full-time and also go to college. College is a lot harder than they realize, especially with two jobs! It's cool to know that you are going to work your way to freedom. I hope you really stick it to them. Keep working and don't give up. I believe that you can truly do it and that, in the end, it can pay off big time. If you have Spring Break coming up then I hope that you have fun on Spring Break :). Good Luck!

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