1000 Facts 2004-02-07 1:51 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Okay...more like 100 instead of 1000, but we'll see how far this goes, okays?

Be warned, these are random and skip all over the place!

1. I don't care much for my name at all..it's too common.

2. My middle name is the same as my mother's middle name, which is self-explanatory as to why I dislike it.

3. I love DDR, but I'm not very good at it.

4. Speaking of Games, my favorite Squaresoft game EVER is Brave Fencer Musashi.

5. I despise Final Fantasy 9.

6. I love Final Fantasy 8, and I really don't see why everyone bitches about how it's too "futuristic."

7. One of my cats is named after a Final Fantasy Character, from 6 to be exact. Celes! ^_^

8. My other cat is named after the Tragic Kingdom CD by No Doubt, or that's what some people would have you believe.

9. Conversely, my lone betta is named Musashi...after, well, Brave Fencer Musashi.

10. Did I mention that I love animals?

11. Ever since I was 3, I've wanted to be a veterinarian.

12. I won a beauty contest when I was 5.

13. I wonder what has happened to me since then...

14. I still have the trophy.

15. I also wonder what would've happened to me if my grandma had let me go around the country and enter into beauty contests.

16. My hair is naturally wavy..and I hate it.

17. My father is dead.

18. You can tell I'm my father's child. If he were female, I'm what he would look like and vice versa.

19. I look nothing like the rest of the family, though everyone says I have my mother's figure.

20. When I was small, I thought I was adopted.

21. I still think I am.

22. I'm 1/16th Japanese, from my dad's side.

23. When I found out and asked my family about it, they said they didn't want to tell me about it because they thought I might be offended. @_@

24. One of my very, very favorite songs is the "Safety Dance" by Men Without Hats.

25. I'm listening to it right now.

26. I stumbled into anime accidently.

27. I was wanting to watch Josie and the Pussycats, and I thought that Cartoon Network has said it came on at 4...however, what was on was Sailor Moon.

28. It quickly became a ritual for me to watch it.

29. I own the complete 18 volume ORIGINAL Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Manga.

30. I also have various Japanese dolls from the show.

31. I have the first season of Sailor Moon on DVD...

32. I would kill for the 2nd.

33. The Live Action version isn't really that bad....I have the 17 episodes they've released so far.

34. I hate Live Action Sailor Venus.

35. My favorite senshi from Live Action Sailor Moon is Sailor Jupiter.

36. She won me over with the infamous "Don't fuck with me!" line.

37. As far as anime and manga Sailor Moon go, I don't have a favorite Senshi.

38. My favorite villainess from Sailor Moon is Queen Beryl.

39. ...who is a Scorpio.

40. I, too, am a Scorpio.

41. My due date was November 2nd, but I was born two weeks late.

42. Naoko-sama gives Beryl's birthdate as November 2nd. Crazy, ne?

43. My hair was once dyed red.

44. I loved it...;_;

45. Speaking of birthdays, I have a twin.

46. Seriously, I do! He was born on the same day and year as myself, only a few hours earlier.

47. I met him upon accident as well.

48. Brad (that's his name) is one of my favorite people.

49. Mrs. H. Davis is my all time favorite teacher..and she has red hair.

50. I feel that Mrs. Davis would make an excellent Queen Beryl.

51. It is my goal in life to kiss a guy from every zodiac sign.

52. Here're my results thus far -

Aries - 1

Taurus - 1

Gemini - 1

Cancer - 1

Leo - 0

Virgo - 0

Libra - 0

Scorpio - 0

Sagittarius - 0

Capricorn - 1

Aquarius - 2

Pisces - 2

53. While I may not have had a kiss with every zodiac sign, I've had more than my share of sexual frustration with them...minus the Scorpios.

54. I can't stand other Scorpio females, with the exception of Mrs. Davis and Sara Goff.

55. I can't stand Geminis period.

56. I usually get along really really well with Geminis at first and then there is World War III shortly thereafter.

57. I can't stand females born under the sign of Aries.

58. ...but Aries guys are another story.

59. Every relationship I've ever had with a Piscean guy has failed..

60. ...because they both had women on the side that they said they had "broken up with."

61. I only regret one of those guys.

62. I was almost raped my freshman year. See 61.

63. I was molested when I was 8.

64. I only talk to one of my ex's.

65. The reason for that is probably because we grew up together.

66. I have a tendency to go after boys that are born under fixed signs - Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio.

67. Mostly the first three, I've never been interested in another Scorpio.

68. If you couldn't tell by now, I really do put some weight into Astrology.

69. Not the newspaper astrology, but in astrology that deals with natal charts.

70. I can read natal charts to a degree. I.E. I can tell about the personality and some aspects of the future, but not all.

71. My best friend is a Sagittarius.

72. How that happened, I'll never know, but I'm glad it did! ^_^

73. I can read tarot cards.

74. I've been doing so for three years.

75. I couldn't do readings for myself until very recently.

76. Before I became Pagan, I thought about converting to Catholicism.

77. The family didn't like either one, actually.

78. When I was younger, I used to say "I'll never get married! I don't want to!"

79. Also, as a child, I was considered a "genius."

80. Upon entering kindergarten, I was given a huge test.

81. The test results said that I had the same amount of intelligence as someone who had graduated from high school with a 4.0 GPA.

82. Unfortunately, my GPA is not 4.0.

83. I'm very very lazy.

84. I learn things from books very quickly.

85. I have a feeling I picked that up from my dad.

86. I usually don't learn from my own experiences, especially when it comes to relationships.

87. I can give great advice to other people, especially my circle of friends.

88. However, I never take my own advice.

89. I'm fairly conservative when it comes to sex and the like.

90. I prefer being on bottom,i.e. missionary.

91. I have seen one porno in my entire life.

92. I'll never forgive Jason for it either.

93. The porno Jason rented made me cringe and scream. I thought I was going to die.

94. I have no interest whatsoever in sex toys.

95. I do think it would be a rather fun idea to have a vibrator to scare my grandmother with, though.

96. I'm a pack rat.

97. I'm pro-choice.

98. Speaking of that, I'm a liberal. Far far left liberal.

99. Some people think I'm a moderate though because I hate welfare.

100. Pro-choice or not, I don't believe in second trimester or later abortions.

101. I also am not a fan of the death penalty.

102. I am an avid supporter of gay and lesbian rights.

103. I have two gay friends. :D

104. I believe homosexuality runs in both sides of my family, as my sister is bi and my dad's brother is gay.

105. I am not bisexual or a lesbian.

106. Speaking of my dad's family, I haven't seen any of them in years.

107. Well, not since my uncle Jerry died on New Year's x-number of years ago.

108. My shampoo of choice is Thermasilk.

109. I had a babysitter when I was younger.

110. She was more like a personal maid, really.

111. She was fired though...

112. ...for having sex on our porch.

113. I had the Sailor Venus look going on when I was a child...the big bow and tied back hair.

114. I absolutely despised it.

115. I once had hair down to my knees.

116. I wore pigtails when it was that length only once.

117. Well, twice, but the first time consisted of it being in braided pigtails.

118. I had to do that for a school thing involving Little Red Riding Hood.

119. I actually had a red hood thing, thanks to the expert sewing skills of my great-grandma.

120. I wish she could help me with my Lenne costume.

121. She is my favorite family member.

122. The first time I got my hair cut significantly, I cried.

123. My favorite band is No Doubt.

124. ...I'm not a fan of the Rock Steady album.

125. I'm not a huge fan of Final Fantasy X-2, but I'll admit...I like it.

126. ...Mainly because of the dresspheres (like songstress!). XD

127. I love to sing.

128. I refuse to do it in front of people though.

129. I'm terribly shy when it comes to that.

130. But I'm loud and outgoing in everything else.

131. It's to cover up the fact that I'm truly shy.

132. I was bullied in 1st grade.

133. I would love to meet the bully again, I'd mock her.

134. I hate thieves.

135. I also hate liars.

136. One of my pet peeves is someone ignoring me. It's one way to piss me off really badly and REALLY quickly.

137. I also hate people laughing at me when I'm trying to be totally serious.

138. I have had my palm read once.

139. I was told I'd have three children...2 boys and a girl.

140. I only want one child, a girl.

141. I hate stupid people.

142. I hate people who think they're anime characters when they, in all actuality, are not! >_<

143. I'm clinically depressed.

144. I don't take medicine for it though.

145. I was on medication for it at one time, but it didn't help.

146. So every once in a while, I pop a few capsules of St. John's Wort.

147. I believe for the most part, herbs are safer than chemical drugs.

148. Speaking of herbs, I love gardening.

149. I also love flowers, mainly roses and irises.

150. I love to eat meat, especially steaks.

151. I have been known to eat steak fat. *hides*

152. I also love to cook.

153. I'm very good at it as well! ^_^

154. I hate washing dishes.

155. I love my cat Tragic more than anything else in this world.

156. It's hard for me to trust people.

157. I hold grudges.

158. ...for very long periods of time.

159. If you cross me, watch out. I may not get even now, or even very soon, but rest assured, I'll see to it that I have my revenge.

160. I used to be a Spice Girls fan.

161. One of my favorite video game series is Persona.

162. I have yet to beat either Persona or Persona 2 : Eternal Punishment.

163. I only own Persona ;_;

164. My video game collection at the moment isn't very extensive...

165. ...because my dumbass sister stole most of my collection this past summer and sold it for pot and alcohol.

166. My family is very dramatic.

167. I plan on writing a book about them and my own life sooner or later.

168. I suspect it will sell very well and that I will make millions.

169. I want to be a manga artist, and have wanted to be since 8th grade.

170. I lack the motivation to carry it through though.

171. The best drawing I ever did was an inking of a hummingbird in 10th grade.

172. It's now in a trash dump somewhere, because the teacher threw my portfolio away on the last day of school.

173. I'm on the Atkins diet.

174. I plan on losing 30 pounds before Otakon.

175. There is a girl in Jason and Brett's artbook that looks EXACTLY like me...she's nude also.

176. I have no tolerancy for alcohol whatsoever.

177. In fact, one wine cooler makes me tipsy.

178. I've always wanted to drink vodka.

179. I'm allergic to and despise cigarettes.

180. I am a fan of the Harvest Moon series, save the one entitled "Save the Homeland."

181. I love to travel.

182. ..So long as the travelling involves going far away. I can't stand going out the store everyday and what have you.

183. I have had sex with 2 people.

184. I don't really count the last one, because it was all of fourty-five seconds long.

185. I have fancied myself to have been in prolonged relationship love one time.

186. I believe in love at first sight.

187. I am currently somewhat suffering from it.

188. One of the things I desire most in life is a relationship..a good, true, solid one.

189. I don't lie about serious things, but I have been known to lie to one or two people so that they won't think badly of me.

190. The people I've lied to aren't people I know in real life.

191. I can't stand fat people who think they're hot shit and take pictures of themselves in revealing clothes.

192. Come to think of it, I can't stand it when anyone wears super revealing clothes.

193. My favorite numbers are 3, 7, and 14.

194. This is kinda odd since I seem to suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder.

195. I'm not the type that washes their hands all the time though. Things just have to be even for me, like both sides of my hair have to be somewhat even, and my makeup has to be. Maybe I'm more detail oriented than OCD?

196. I have always wanted a black cat.

197. Every cat I've had in the past 2-4 years has been gray, and for the most part, a tabby.

198. I have always wanted to make my own video game company.

199. RPG Maker is just too much trouble for me, so I can't use it to make games.

200. I've had some pretty awesome ideas for games and manga though.

That's all I'm putting up for now...who knows? Maybe I will reach 1000! Look for another update next week...maybe.

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