No!!! Yes!! No! 2004-01-11 12:53 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

School got cancelled Friday. I didn't mind, I had pulled an all nighter, and didn't really want to go anyways...and I was that confident that it would snow. I guess that was lucky for me. Friday night went alright..I guess. Actually, it was freaking great. I finally...Finally pixelled my own base. It's HUGE, but still! I started work yesterday evening when I got back from teh Wal-Mart on a Super Sailor Moon pixel, manga-style. I figured that Sailor Moon's been a lot of firsts for me. My first anime, first manga, first thing I ever tried to draw, so I'd make it my first pixel as well.

I've been thinking of boycotting Wal-Mart. Why? Well, apparently, some lady there yesterday asked me if I wanted to try the Slim Fast plan. I didn't hear it, but Bev did, I just saw her almost fall over and laugh, and I was confused, basically. I had been off in my own little world thinking about random stuff, while waiting on Bev and then she just runs off and I'm like "HEY! What happened? I wanna know too!"

"She just asked you if you wanted to try the Slim Fast plan! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!"

"She did not."

"She did"

"WHY?! ;_;"

So yeah, I don't need slim fast VILE Wal-Mart worker!

But other than wal-mart going, I've been pixelling, and sitting on my ass. I hope it snows more so I can continue this cycle.

Speaking of which, last night was the greatest night EVER. An old friend of mine contacted me. Think 4 years old. The only person that has known me on the internet longer is Brown. I kinda feel sorry for Josh, really (That's his name). He's the only person who's ever been a pothead that I could tolerate. It appears that he's quit now, because of some shit that happened a couple of months ago. He said he might come visit me Thursday or Friday, since he's got time off from work and get paid Thursday. Whether he will or not is anyone's guess. I've never known him to be a liar though..So hey, I might have something interesting to write about then. I'm just glad that my life has been picking up of late and being good and positive for a change...*knocks on wood*

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