Exam Drama 2004-01-08 7:07 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Ah well, my wish of wanting no school or exams didn't come true. However, I didn't fail any. Okay, I failed chemistry, but you know what? I don't mind. Cause I'm not the only one that failed it. Everyone in that class failed it with the exception of like two people. You know what else? It doesn't hurt my grade too much at all. I have a B for the semester in Chemistry.

I found out yesterday as well that I totally kicked the government exams ass with a super fantastic score of 109. So I may have an A in there or a B for the semester...^_^

However, math almost kicked my ass. I had my two math exams scheduled for Dec. 18, the day we missed for snow, and I knew them pretty well then, as I had studied. One thing led to another (winter break) and I forgot all about them. So I looked it over the night before, and most of it didn't make sense, but I did the best I could with it. I got the highest grade on the geometry exam - 72. Only 2 people passed it - Megan and myself, I made one point higher than her; the latter of these also happened in chemistry. Megan-Amanda. I get pinkeye and she gets an eye infection. Honestly. The Algebra II exam (Mind you, I Hate Algebra II with a passion...but I"ve been trying...and my grades have been coming down regardless ;_; ). I made a 76 on it. I was so happy. Some people didn't even pass it, and I had almost made a C on it...damn that one point. I was really proud of myself, I was pretty sure that I was going to fail it...because math just isn't my forte. I'll probably have a C in there for the semester.

Now today, I get to take my "big, bad" Latin exam. Hah, that's a joke. I've never had anything BUT A's in Latin I, II, or III. Today will be no exception. Translations, feh. I can translate Latin to English like there's no tomorrow, so I know I'll get a perfect score on it or pretty damn close.

I might get Honor Roll on my report card for this semester...Hooray! Oh wait...damn that Theatrical Arts, I'll have to ask Mrs. Edgell about that today. That woman hates me, so she may give me the C that keeps it from me. I can handle one C or so with my A in Latin, but another one's iffy.

I'll find out later today though, and post the results of my English and Theatrical Arts stuff.

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