Tired Much 2004-04-27 9:33 p.m.

Mood - Mood - Tired + + Music - Cowboy Bebop - Want It All Back

Oh god. I don't think I've ever been as tired as I was today.

It's strange. I went to bed relatively early last night, pretty much after I wrote the last entry and cleaned up in my room. I slept pretty well until 5 a.m. when Bradley called. God Bless him, he always calls me and wakes me up when I need him to. Between him and Hello Kitty, I don't need anything else. Anywho, he called and I asked him to call back at 5:30. I rolled over and went back to sleep, and awoke to my cell phone's rendition of "Hey Baby." I was like "...eh..what time is it?" since my cell phone's screen is busted. Bradley informed me it was 5:45. I asked him why he didn't call at 5:30 and he said he had and I didn't wake up. This is totally feasible, because I've been known to sleep through most things. Anyways, I was like "Meh.." and I got off the phone with him, set Hello Kitty to go off at 6 a.m. and just laid there. On school days, I'm one of those people that likes to wake up earlier than they need to just so they can lay in bed and laze around for a bit. Well, Hello Kitty went off with it's annoying music and "Good morning! ^_____^" which I despise beyond anything else. I just laid there and groaned. My uncle's girlfriend Lorie insisted that I get up. No sooner had I gotten into the bathroom to take my shower than my cell phone rang...AGAIN. I knew it was my grandma, who calls me EVERY morning at 6 a.m. and from there, it's 20 fucking questions that I dont' feel like answering because I've answered them a hundred times before. So I continued on with my shower. When I was finished, I realize 3 things.

1. I had not brought any towels into the bathroom.

2. I had not shaved under my arms.

3. I had not properly rinsed the shampoo out of my hair.

I wrote all of these off as being caused by the fact that I hadn't had any soda, and I promptly dried off with the hand towel we had in there and got the other towels outside and got back in, washed the soap out of my hair, shaved under my arms, and I was off.

I got to school at 7:40 and proceeded to go to Government tutoring. Mrs. Warner wasn't there..so I stayed around finishing up my definitions. The rest of the day went fairly well until my fifth period Algebra II class. I swear, I about passed out. It was the sleepiest I have ever been in my entire life. I had finished one of the SOL worksheets she had given me, and proceeded to do the 2nd one. None of it made sense. Every bit of useful information that had been entered into my head concerning Algebra II just...left..and I was too tired to care. I just marked down random answers and went to sleep. I had suspected I was a bit tired earlier; in second period, I had went to sleep during this horribly boring reading of some journal written by Daniel Defoe. In Latin, I couldn't understand what people were saying to me. I was just OUT of it. I had planned on taking a nap in chemistry to make up for this insane burst of fatigue, but it was not to be so. No, we had an open book test. Luckily, my mind was focused and awake enough to deal with that. After that, I was fine. I came home, and laid down for a bit, and it was once again hard to wake me up.

Well, I haven't written about it, but I'm now on speaking terms with my abusive grandfather. I still don't like him, but I'll speak to him because it's the nice thing to do. Today, I had to cash a check for $50 because I didn't have any lunch money, shampoo, soda, etc. No one would cash it..and I mean NO ONE. It was an out of state check, and my grandma knew better. So we ran into said grandfather and he cashed it for me...Oh goodness. I just know that started World War III, because my grandma will throw the worst fit ever. Oh well, I needed to cash it, and she knew that no one around here'd cash an out of state check unless I had an account there, which I don't, because she would never set one up for me.

My grandma royally pisses me off when it comes to my money. She won't ever give all of it to me. About the most freedom I have with it is when it comes to Paypal. That's it. I don't have access to it when I need it, which is really fucking stupid, in my opinion. I'm thinking about calling the Social Security board and seeing what I can do about it...because it's really not right. I don't live with her, she's not taking care of me, so I don't see why she should be in control of the money. Also, I plan on moving out this summer, either by myself or with Megan, and I can't just have x-amount of money every week. That's what happened when I was living with Bev, and it wasn't a good thing at -all-. So, probably Thursday before I go to Jason's, I'll end up calling those people.

For now, I'm probably going to head to bed....God...So tired...Maybe there is such a thing as too much sleep? Meh..I need to catch up on my sleep debt anyways.

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