Water Over Wine 2004-01-23 8:26 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

So I was fooled for about a day, not even that long. Let's say less than 18 hours, shall we?

My grandma is a fucking nutcase. She told me that if I moved up there, I could bring my pets, especially Tragic. Well, I kept asking her what Sam had to say about it, and she would always avoid the question. So, yesterday, I asked her twice, and Sam said that I couldn't bring ANY pets. So I basically told them that there was no way in hell I was moving there without my pets, and and that hell would freeze over before I went ANYWHERE without Tragic. I mean, I can stay here, give my pets away, and keep my friends. They're just trying to take everything away from me. It's not fair. Like I said, by moving up there, I'm already losing touch and contact with everyone I've ever known and cared about,a nd then for them to say I have to leave behind my pillar of sanity? Fuck that. I'm now officially without place to go.

Sam said I should think about myself. I am. Without my cat I would be miserable. My cat is my pillar of sanity. My cat has been here for me when no one else has. Furthermore, I have a responsibility to these pets. They can't live on their own, especially not the rat babies. What the hell am I supposed to do? Set them on the side of the road and just walk off? I am not that heartless...And I told Dana that just because she could throw away her responsibilities (me) for that kind of lifestyle (money and material possessions) didn't mean that I could or even would. I told her also that I was very pissed, because she -obviously- hadn't talked it over with Sam. And it's his house, his rules, and bygod, I'm not going to abide by them. I can compromise about anything else, but not Tragic.

I'm going to ask Cora if her Mom still has that little house for rent. I won't have any furniture or anything, but it's something. I'm also goign to demand to Dana that she send me my money all at once, instead of this "Check a week" bullshit. She screwed me over in that when I first got over here as well. It's my money, and I need it. This isn't camp, this is my life, me trying to survive. I'm not going to sit back and have my life planned on allowances like that. I'm tired of playing her game. I'm sick of her being a moron as well. If she doesnt' want to be fair about it and do it the smart way like I've asked her to all this time, we can go to court. God knows she's got enough shit on her with fraud and the like that she's pulled. If she thinks I won't turn her in, she's crazy. I'm tired of being pushed around by her and other people. I'm going to start fighting back, and when I do, they're not going to like it.

But yeah, the hunt for residence is on.

T minus 3 days left.

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