Zero Days Remaning 2004-01-25 4:31 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

So I didn't have three days as I originally thought. I had one, not even that.

Where did I go? Well, I'm temporarily at Mom's trailer. My stuff is in garbage bags out in Keith and Mom's cars, and not even all my shit is out. Keith had hurt himself and had been feeling down all weekend so I couldn't make it to the storage building. He finally went to the emergency room today, a few minutes ago actually.

I'm not in a very good position. I haven't gotten all my stuff out and won't be able to until tomorrow probably. Am I glad to be out? Well, yes and no. I'm disappointed because I don't really have a place of my own to stay, and yes because Bev was getting on my nerves.

I like to avoid conflict. I also like having a place to stay. These are two reasons I never said anything to Bev during my stay there. About all she did was bitch, and act like I did'nt pay the bills. Apparently, it wouldn't matter if I had. Jason and I got to talking and apparently he sent me 30 bucks and some stickers in a birthday card on November 17th while I was away at a TCAC match. Bev told me he came by with just a card and paid -her- back. I asked him if he was sure that money was for her rather than me. Clincher - he paid her back AND gave me 30 bucks. Plus, the stickers...I saw them in Bev's room. Nothing pisses me off more than a thief. Bev said yesterday she wants me to pay my half of the cable and phone bill. Fair enough, when I get the check cashed tomorrow. I'll do so. I better fucking get a receipt back though.

Bev was always a bitch to me, with many an injustice when she was "in one of those moods." Injustice number 1 - Celes. Bev bitched and complained about getting rid of Celes, and I tried. When someone told me they would take her and then changed their minds, she threw a fit because Celes wasn't gone as soon as she would've liked. So, I end up eventually getting rid of her. What the hell does she do? She brings in another cat. This would've been fine execpt for the reasoning on her argument "You need to get rid of her! We can't have two cats here, we're not supposed to even have one!!" Not only thta, but a few days after the 2nd cat is brought in, she brings a THIRD one in. Luckily though, she gave it away to her friend. I feel that if the cat had not taken a shit all over the place, she wouldn't have. And then, last week, she brought Seymour in. Let's say the word "Hypocrite" together, shall we?

Injustice #2 (these aren't necessarily in chronological order) - I wanted a 10 buck keychain of Lenne from X-2 on ebay. I purchased it. We don't have laundry detergent, but have enough clothes. Bev bitches and says "It's not fair for you to get a keychain!!!" So I feel bad and give her the 10 bucks to get whatever. She goes out and gets 3 or 4 keychains. Again, the word "Hypocrite" and the word "bitch" comes to mind.

Injustice #3 - Apparently Jason brought a card over for me on the day after my birthday (november 17, on a monday while I was gone on a TCAC match). He sent me 30 bucks and stickers (because I adore stickers <3). When I was looking through her desk for a phone book, I found the stickers, and thought they looked similar to some Jason had gotten me before. So apparently she stole that, I have a feeling she stole more money which is why she "couldn't" pay the bills.

Injustice #4 - The move itself. She originally said that she was moving out by the first, giving me a week and a few days to find a house, then decided it was next week, then three days from thursday, then decided I had to be out on Saturday. Honestly, she can go back to Mom, but I can't, not for long anyways.

There are various other shitty things she's done, but those are the big ones.

On to other things..Jason's taking care of Tragic til I find a place. Mom, no, Keith actually, said I could keep the rats here, but they're still down at the house.

The Bargain Finder is not helping me in the quest for an apartment. The first guy I called insisted that I knew who he was, that I sounded like the Amanda White that he knew, and asked me on a date, which I promptly refused. I then crossed the ad out. The others are way too expensive, and don't allow pets. I could always keep my cat in a seperate room or whatever and keep the litter in the closet and say it's storage or whatever, but I don't know how that'd go.

Mom says I can stay here, but that Tragic can't. I'm not really happy about that, but it's better than NOT keeping Tragic and moving 400 miles away. I'll have to pay Jason to take care of him, obviously. I also have the option of moving in with my great grandmother, who's in the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Disease. I could have a huge attic for a bedroom, and possibly my cat and rats, possibly...but I don't know how I'd like it there. I'd feel bad if anything happened to her..but she IS my favorite relative..and she does need the help, so I'll have to talk to her about that.

No school tomorrow...Hooray!

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