Summer, Summer, Summer... 2004-06-20 12:34 a.m.

Mood - Sleepy + + Music - Argh...None, of Course.

Well, today was another absolutely hellacious day of boredom.

However, I've accomplished a few things today that are totally trivial and have no real signifiance in my life whatsoever. I have wanted to cosplay forever. So I'm going to. Otakon 2005, I'll be there. Most of you already know about my decision to cosplay now as Artbook Sailor Mars (Manga too, really) and Gogo Yubari. So I won't go into too many details about it in here. But look in the future for a page on here to showcase how far I am with everything.

I'm looking forward to my weight loss training Monday. The only problem is for the first week, you keep to the strict diet in the book. I don't have soy milk or soy meat, etc and so forth. So I asked Sam, my grandma's husband and general annoyance to myself, if there were such products in the stores here. He replied yes and asked why I wanted them. I told him for diet reasons. He just kinda laughed at me, and said I had to lose weight on my own. Dumbass, that's what I am a tryin' to do.

He also went on bitching about how Dana would have to fix an extra meal for me and it would be a hassle. Boo fucking hoo. I could fix the meals myself, and she only cooks once a day. I'd be fixing the other two for myself. He also said I could spend a fortune on that "bullshit" and it would not help me, that I had to do it myself. Well, what he doesn't get is that was the plan. From the book even.

I just really do not like Sam. I don't see how it's a pain for me to eat foods other than what they eat considering I'M OVERWEIGHT AND I'M TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT. You'd think the man would understand and be just a little bit supportive.

No, for that to happen, he would have to be a sane, rational and generally understanding person, of which he is not.

I just feel that generally the man doesn't like me and thinks I am the most ridiculous human being on the planet, which I am not.

He thinks my anime and video games are ridiculous; Jesus Christ, I have to have a hobby of some sort, right? He thinks my buying clothes is a waste of money. Well I certainly don't. I have barely any clothes that fit me and that's because there are a year old, from last summer and the summer before last. Let's not even go into an argument about how I might have 5 pair of DECENT Panties to my name and 2 pairs of socks, only one of which are identical. Oh, and let's go on and on about I have two bras to my name that I can wear, I alternate between the two. If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to wear a bra, as they would reak of bad things.

He also says I should save up my money. While this is true to an extent, there is absolutely NO way I can save up every single dollar or penny of what I get every month. I think he tries to play father to me, and I despise that because I do not need him or anyone else as a father or father figure.

So, instead of trying to get my food fix with him around, I will wait and go out early Monday morning and make dana keep it a secret from him, and I will buy my soy milk and other such items, hide them in the downstairs basement and cook my own stuff. I don't see why he has to be a dick about it.

Sorry for going on the rant. But it is 1 o'clock in the a.m. and I'm ready to go to sleep.

I swear, I wish my summer would hurry and liven up.

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