So There It Goes 2004-01-20 4:31 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

So I'm okay now. I feel a lot better than I did this morning, though my stomach still feels pretty nauseated. I figured out that it's probably stomach ulcers. I've had small ones before, but yeah, I think I've gone into "full blown acidic stomach" mode.

I have fanlistings on the side bar now. I dont' know how I like them there, but they'll stay for now. I have a new layout, it's okay, I guess. I don't know how I like all the purple.

Also, I left something out. Something that happened between three days ago and my update this morning.

Brennan, old albino Seifer himself, apologized to me after 2 years. I wasn't expecting it. I also wasn't expecting my own reaction. All these years, I'd said that if he ever did apologize, I'd make sure to rub it in his face. Hard. What do I do? I say "oh, it's okay brennan. Not really, but hey, I forgive you." I wonder what has happened to my vengeful streak. I don't even check T.J.'s diary anymore, nor do I have much use for revenge. Something's wrong, I tell you, wrong.

Truth be told, I'm glad Brennan and I are friends again. We were friends since like...kindergarten, elementary school. Didn't talk for a couple of years in middle school, dated for about 3 weeks in high school, had a big fight, were friends again, and then took a two years leave of each other (It's a really long story, and even that little bit right there isn't enough to fully describe it all). I must say though, I'm glad to have him back. He can be funny and he's an okay person. Back then though, he seemed pretty immature. No, he was. I don't want to have to eat my words later...but I feel like he's grown up. Today when we were talking he told me that everything would be okay, because I'm having a mini-crisis right now. Like I told him, I dont' think he's ever said that to me before. So maybe...maybe he really did grow a spine. Well, he had to have to apologize to me. I believe that he thought I was going to rip him a new asshole, and if he had done this a year ago I probably would've.

So that's at least something good and positive. Maybe everything really -will- be okay.

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