Babbling From Sleep Is Common 2004-05-09 9:11 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Mood - Morose :: :: The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony

It's kinda funny...I haven't listened to this song in a long time, but since I downloaded it again the other day, I've listened to it for two days straight..>_> I don't know why I like it so much...maybe it's cause it was in that Cruel Intentions movie..>_>

Anyways, Megan and I are supposed to go to Bluefield today, permitting that her Mom is okay with it. Her mom doesn't want anyone riding with her, which is why my ride home in the evenings has became the bus...again. I really need to go though and I doubt my uncle or his girlfriend will take me, even though they say they will. I need to find a white dress to go under my graduation gown. I've already got the shoes; my prom shoes will do quite nicely since they're already white. So, for that, I'm thinking we should go to Debs...

Also, I'm in a mood for some good old fashioned feminine shopping. I terrible as it is...a skirt. I also have decided that these tomboyish clothes of mine, just -have- to go. The other day at Wal-Mart, I was compelled by the power of something or another of the wicked persuasion to buy these plastic, girly tennis shoes. They're red and clear with red flowers on the side. I don't know why I bought them. I don't know why I got those hair ribbons either. I mean, I've noticed lately that I'm turning extremely more so feminine..and I don't know why. >_>

Maybe it's the whole boyfriend kick. I feel myself to be ugly, and if not that, then definately plain. Maybe that's why I'm doing all this. Someone once told me that they'd never speak to me again if I ever had plastic surgery, because it would entail me being fake. I kinda feel like all this is making me that way as well...Either way, I'm having to change, right? Some might say the plastic surgery alternative is a much MORE drastic change...but either way..change is change...and fake is fake, right?

Oh well. It'll work out somehow...I may not even get to go today. If I don't, then I'll probably go running...I need to lose weight.

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