Weee 2005-05-09 12:05 a.m.

Mood - Upbeat + + Music -

So today/yesterday was mother's day. I called Mom but she had just left for work. Joy of joys!

I haven't really done much the past couple of days. Since I got the two week extension on the paper, I decided I was going to have a well-deserved break. I did try to straighten the Axel wig a little today.

Oh, I had swordfish the other night. XD Jenni's parents fixed it and gave me some too obviously. I tried it and it was okay. Jenni apparently hates swordfish and was like 'HOW CAN YOU EAT IT? IT'S NOT FISH, IT'S A MONSTER!" I thought that was pretty funny. It didn't have the fishy nasty smell or taste that most fish has; rather, it tasted of hamburger and chicken mixed together. o_O;

Sooo back to today. I decided I would have pancakes for dinner since no one was going to be here as they were visiting Jenni's grandmother. Kathy (jenni's mom) didn't go because she was like....super super sick. So I was like "Yay pancakes." I was doing everything right and stirring and then..in the batter was a nasty fucking bug. I hate bugs. >_> I just threw him out though and proceeded to make delicious pancakes even though I knew I wouldn't eat them and that I'd feel sick. So when all was said and done, I tried to eat them and, as I had predicted, could not. So I just threw them away and settled for a sandwich of the peanut butter and apple butter variety.

I'm planning to get up earlier tomorrow to get even more planning done. I'm going to call the guy at school and ask him to drop the precalculus class. I didn't want to give up my credits, but there's absolutely NO way I can learn the entire required material within a month or less. So I've decided I'll withdraw and get it and the subsequent painting withdrawal taken off my transcript since they were for extreme circumstances (i.e. financial problems with the painting, the moving with the precalc.)

So yeah. I'll be heading to sleep soon, maybe. Jenni and I share a bed. XD And she's beside me now reading NARUTO FANFICTION ZOMG. She's so obsessed. If it's Naruto, it's yaoi. XD

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Gendo - 2005-05-09 08:29:39
I can understand not wanting the pancakes after that. Hell I think in your place I would have tossed the batter. (Course thats assuming I ever learn to cook pancakes, which may be a bigger assumption then you may believe.... I honestly dont know.) Im trying to think how JJ could not like sword fish, though.... *tends to like all things actual fish.... as in fins and scales and NOT anything else to grab/reach/move/or just suprise the hell out of whatever tries to eat it* Actually, I have to reccomend tuna steak if you get a chance to try it... VERY good eating there... especially grilled. (Dad loves the chance to grill anything.)
Amanda - 2005-05-09 13:19:20
Like I said on AIM, thinking of tuna makes me think of cat food. XD But if it's as red and steak looking as you say, I'm definately willing to try it!
K.A.T.T. - 2005-05-09 13:53:22
Tuna steak? Hmmm...that sounds sort of interesting. Anyway, I probably would've thrown the batter out and get really mad at the bug. However, depending on the heat of the stove eye, the germs could have been killed by the heat. Then again, I would not have risked it. I miss my dad's pancakes though. Granted, he made them at 8 a.m. on a weekend when I would normally sleep, but they were good.
Amanda - 2005-05-09 14:04:23
-I- miss your dad's pancakes too! And Jenni said the exact same thing. She was like 'OH WELL, THE HEAT WOULD'VE KILLED THE GERMS!" XD
Brett - 2005-05-09 19:28:31
hmmm... nothing better than bugchip pancakes. Simply delicious with exo-skeleton goodness :)
K.A.T.T. - 2005-05-11 20:54:33
LOL. That was totally awesome Brett. My room mate saw a picture of you and she though you didn't look bad at all :).
K.A.T.T. - 2005-05-11 20:55:06
LOL. That was totally awesome Brett. My room mate saw a picture of you and she though you didn't look bad at all :). As in, she thought you were cute, but not in a dating way b/c she's pregnant and doesn't like white men too much.

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