Feeling Overwhelmed

Mood - + + Music -

Augh..I had an entry here, but the stupid computer messed up. Let's try again, shall we?

I finally have the fabric for my Lenne costume, at least the top part. It's shiny and satiny...and navy blue! I also have the white part for the ruffle.

I have a sewing machine. I have scissors, I have thread.

I have everything but a pattern, and I don't even know where to begin with that. I tried cutting it out with newspaper last night after I took a bazillion measurements...but this did not work. I figure I'll end up going to Jo-Ann's the next time we go out into town (Saturday) and pick up some that are close to what I need and modify them. I already know that I need a cheerleading skirt pattern, which will be modified, because Lenne's skirt is pleated like that to a degree.

I'm just not sure if I can even do it once I get the pattern. However, I'm going to try my best..my best being "I'll do it no matter what it takes and it will be DAMNED gorgeous!" I also plan on doing an Asuka costume of the yellow dress we see her in when she graces the Evangelion series with her presence. Also, I desperately want to do a Queen Beryl costume...which probably won't happen this year. It's a bit ambitious for me to plan the Asuka costume, much less the Queen Beryl one. I mainly want to do the Asuka one because my twin (not REAL twin, mind you) Brad, if he comes up, is going to do Shinji...so cute ^_^ So yeah.

I'll see how everything goes though...I know I can do it..it just seems all so big right now.

Tomorrow, however, is another day...and a joyous one at that. I get cable again! Yay! I will be so grateful when the Adelphia guy gets here tomorrow...I've missed two Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon episodes and I desperately want to catch up.

If anyone out there reading this is a cosplayer, or is going to Otakon, drop me a line!

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