Dayquil Is Not 1337 2004-02-07 12:56 p.m.

Mood - Mood: Sick + + Music - Music: No Doubt - It's My Life

So it's Saturday, the day everyone goes out to the stores and creeps out of the pretty pretty hollow we have here. And where am I? Home. I didn't even wake up until now. Well, actually I woke up at 8:30, but I felt awful. My nose is runny and congested, I have a sore throat, can barely talk, and it's all annoying. So because of this, I opted to stay at home. So, no pattern shopping for me until later. Which is fine by me, because I really shouldn't be so frivolous with the money.....What the hell am I saying?! Spend spend spend! ^_^ *points to Ebay*

I hate colds, they are the most annoying things on the face of the planet. I told my grandma to pick me up some Dayquil or Nyquil, preferably Dayquil so that I wouldn't be passing out all day, but now I regret that action. Nyquil is god among cold/flu helping medicines...and quite frankly, Dayquil just can't keep up. Not only that, but it tastes AWFUL! >_< I about gag everytime I drink it. They try to make it citrus-flavored...and they failed greatly. I have remedied the situation by telling good old Dana to pick up some Nyquil. Now, I can pass out and not have to have snot running out of my nose. Oh, the joys of life!

I also found some limited edition Final Fantasy figures on Sephiroth, Cloud, Lulu, Vivi, Yuna, Rinoa, and a SECRET character! Oh noz0rz! Bev showed them to me a long time ago and I rediscovered them last night, I'm definately picking up the Yuna, Vivi, and Rinoa ones. I love the Rinoa one...and the Yuna one, But they're only available on preorder, as they won't actually be in stock until next month. You other Final Fantasy fans should check them out! ^_^

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