New Residence 2004-02-03 9:07 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

So, yeah, here I am...a resident of Maryland. As of Sunday, no less.

I think it's great!

I got my cell phone on Saturday, and I'm pretty happy with it. It feels great knowing that I'll never have to deal with not having a phone again because an irresponsible roommate won't pay the goddamned phone bill, not her half or my own.

The ride here was hell. It was long...really long...try 7 hours long. Not only that, but Dana smoked 3/4ths of the way here. By the time I arrived, my throat was sore...horribly so. I was hardly able to swallow pieces of my sandwich. That effect lasted until yesterday afternoon....and now I pretty much just avoid her here when she's got a cigarette in hand.

Yesterday was a mixed emotions day for me. I was fairly pissed earlier in the day because of this state/county's school system policies. They wouldn't let me register for school..

However, I'm fine here and everything is going fairly well. I'll update more later...because now, I just don't have that writing ability. Writer's block on a diary...Fun.

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