BIRTHDAY!!! :D 2004-11-16 11:10 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

I am too lazy to get out of bed or do anything anymore. I have decided to let Bradley do this entry for me. We all love Bradley <3.

Anyways, I haven't really done much since my last update, but today, it's my birthday!! :D ^_^

I was awakened by Dana saying, " OMFG Happy birthday, Amanda." I was like, "Oh god, this is going to be the worst day ever." I decided to get up and once again I was too lazy to go to school. I got to skip on the grounds that class was "canceled." I shouldn't really miss Tuesdays since I have math labs and all, especially since I missed the last math lab because of work. Thanks work, I love you XD.

So anyways, I was also greeted by Tragic this morning with lots of love and kisses, which made me feel a little bit better about the possibility of the day's events. He and I made slow, sweet love for about 5 minutes XD. So I hopped into the kitchen and found my first birthday card of the day. It was weird and Dana-ish, so it was written in GOOSE language, so I set it down.

Everyone knows that I want to make costumes, and I have wanted a sewing machine more than I have wanted the holy grail of life or money. Mostly money. I was determined to get one today if I had to rob the bank to buy one. Alas, it did not come to that, and being 18 I could have gone to jail for that today.

I demanded presents, and presents I got! James had apparently gotten me presents too, which was a hella surprise for me. So I opened his presents first: there was sewing thread. Shock! For there to be sewing thread I must have a sewing machine! It was not a Singer, it was not very pretty, but by God, it was a sewing machine. I've never been happier in my entire life, except for the time I got Tragic.

In a short while, I had learned to thread the machine. Also in a short while, my body was covered in oil/grease. It frustrated me, but I knew that it must be done. The machine booklet said that you had to sew to get the oil out. Well, I never saw any oil on the fabric. I guess it all went on my skin from taking things apart.

I'm still working on sewing a straight line XD.

So after my rendevouz with the sewing machine, I decided today was the day. Today was the day that I, Amanda White, was going to have RED HAIR. I finally decided on a salon called Venus & Co. They fixed me up quite well, pictures later. They had lots of Roman goddess Venus figures, and breasts. Lots of breasts. And pretty walls. It's what one would expect of such a place, although I expected to be spun around in a chair and come out with flowing blonde hair, and nude. It was good a thing this didn't happen for a number of reasons.

So my hair was bleached out. It turned the same strawberry blonde color that most Asians have when the bleach it (I'm sorry Erika, I thought of you. I'm sorry I didn't keep my gorgeous black locks ;_;).

At the end of the four-hour session (and $110 later), my hair was truly Asuka-y anime colors. Alas, I no longer look like Gogo (but if I should ever need to, that's what black hair dye's for XD). Dana didn't like it. Then again, I didn't expect her to. "OMFG it is so red! Oh noes, oh noes, what have you done?! I don't like it!" It's okay, I don't like her piss yellow hair color either.

The day was pretty much uneventful after this. Somehow Dana's car battery died, and we came home and had the worst birthday meal ever. Pot roast. POT ROAST. I HATE red meat. I didn't even get mashed potatoes with it. Shortly thereafter, it was CAKE-Y time. I like cake, really I do. But ever since I was a small child, it has made me sick. The icing doesn't sit well in my mouth, and it just churns my stomach. Together, this is not a good combination. So I tried to eat the cake, considering I had not eaten all day, and the meal was not much to eat since I didn't want to eat it. The cake was my last remaining hope.

I dealved into the cake. I ate bits and pieces of it, but it eventually made me sick as it had every year ealier that I had had a cake. So I put it in the refrigerator hoping that later tonight it would satisfy my needs. I popped it out about an hour and a half later, tried to eat it, and this time did not put the remaining pieces back in the refrigerator. They went right into the trash. There's still pieces in there. Cake, my cake, that I desparately want to eat. Oh well, hopefully I'll have that ice cream cake on Saturday for the party at work.

Speaking of work, I only worked one day this week, and I work one day next, which is great, because OMFG! Bradley can come see me!!1111 It's official: he will be here Wednesday before Thanksgiving until Sunday after. Maybe I should kill him XD. Or eat him since I can't have my cake. Regardless of what happens, it is bound to the TEH FUNXORZ. As I mentioned earlier, thank God, Sam and Dana won't be here that week. And thank God I don't have to work that week. Then again, I did put in for it two weeks in advance. Oh well.

Below are pictures. ^_^ I hope you fall madly in love with them because they have MAGICAL POWERS. Birthday cake! I look SO Pretty here! <3
This is a pic to better see the brightness of my hair. XD

I'll take better ones tomorrow, cause the lighting in our house is AWFUL. >_< Pictures take better when the SUN is flooding the house. XD

I love you all! <3

*Note: Some creative liberty was taken by Bradley and his GOOSE LANGUAGE.

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Sean - 2004-11-17 15:04:14
Happy 18th! And nice hair! Hawt indeed!

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