I Had Visions, I Was In Them 2004-01-30 5:56 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

So Today was my last day of school, and the first day this week. I was angry. I didn't get to have my party after all. I turned in all my books, said my goodbyes, got some e-mails, addys, and addresses from people. I even got that e-mail from a very attractive and nice kid who was in my Latin III and Algebra II class. I need to add him to my MSN list. I handled everything surprisingly well, didn't cry even once. I came pretty close to it.

I'm ready for a change though, I guess. I got little presents from everyone, and I still need to give Megan her Christmas presents, which I've forgotten every time we've had school. I also need to turn in my calculator into my Algebra II, which I lost at the apartment...so that'll be 100 bucks I have to dish out. Who knows if Bev found it or stole it or what. I'll have to pay for it...ick.

It's just been really depressing this past week. I stayed at Jason's Tuesday night, and had all kinds of fun catching up with him and seeing Tragic. I had plans of staying at Jason's until 10 p.m. Wednesday. However, the red blood of hell decided it would take its toll on me Wednesday morning. I haven't had a really bad period like that since a year and a half ago when I got off birth control pills. I haven't had birth control pills since October either, so I was just waiting around for "that kind" of period. I got all sweaty and sick and crampy. Earlier in the morning, I had ate some of Jason's peanut butter and chocolate candy, and it was good. I vomitted it up, along with that morning's breakfast, soda, and lemonade. Not just any vomit, but 5 inches of the crap. It was awful. I was sweaty and sick and everything. I tried to get Mom to come and get me and take me to the hospital, but she wouldn't. See, I knew from previous experiences (2 and a half years worth) that if I didn't get something done about it, it'd continue for as long as I bled. She wouldn't come get me, and I hung up and she called back and bitched and bitched. Finally, I got a hold of my beloved friend Michael Piellucci, and he was on his way to come get me. I should also mention that Jason had given me a few generic aspirin before the event happened. I assumed that I had puked them up as well (as I had done with pills when it got like that back in the day). So, I finally detached myself from Jason's bathroom ( I was pretty much naked since I had been sweating so freaking much) and got dressed, got my stuff ready and headed out. Jason came with me, just in case. Well, Piellucci came prepared, and brought me a puke bag. We then proceeded to go to the hospital. The hopsital is directly across from a McDonad's, and my cramps weren't hurting as bad as they had been, so I decided to see if I could keep a soda down. Now, I don't mind vomitting soda up, it has no taste whatsoever when it comes up. So I purchased a REGULAR coke. We drove around some, and I managed to keep it down. So I said to Jason and Michael, 'hey, let's see if I can eat. Let's all go to the Chinese restaurant." So we did. I owed Jason a meal there, and Piellucci and I had wanted to eat it together the previous day before anyways. I had 15 bucks on me and Piellucci was loaded (since he had gotten paid that day for his coke services ^_^). Well, great food and fun was to be had. I must have a stomach of STEEL. Nevermind the fact that I have ate raw bacon, steak fat, AND raw oysters. No, nevermind that. It's when one can eat GREASY chinese food while vomitting and keep it down that you KNOW their stomach is Jesus-touched. So yeah, Jason had beef and mushrooms, I had the usual quart of sweet and sour chicken, and Piellucci only had a midget-sized pint of sweet and sour chicken. To top it off, we had chinese doughnuts, oh GOD! ^_^

Moral of the story is - There is no wrong time to eat Chinese. Hell, I'll be asking for Chinese food when/if I'm in labor.

But yeah, here I am. I'll be leaving for Maryland tomorrow. I plan on going to Wal-Mart tonight and getting my cell phone...and ...yeah. I kinda don't want to leave. However, I'm kindly excited too. It's a new experience, and I absolutely LOVE travel. I just hope it'll be okay...and that I can move back here for graduation.

I also have something to write about later, but it may freak a few people out, as it did me...>_>

Goodness, I had so many hugs today. My hug quota is overfilled with joy! <3

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