Acting Just Aint My Forte 2003-12-10 11:57 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

The forensics presentation went fairly well yesterday...that's about the only thing though.

Bev's car died again yesterday, so I had to get Mom to come take me to school...and Mom had to get ready. Obviously, I was late. I hate being late for anything. I mean, I'm a procrastinator and lazy in every sense of either word, but there's just something about being late that bothers me. I know it's not Bev's fault, so I hope she doesn't think it is. I'll get back to Bev and the car in a moment though.

I completely bogged being Juliet yesterday. I hated it. I knew all my lines. I could recite them to ANYONE..and I did so on with Megan often before my performance. Mrs. Edgell had also told me I had to wear a dress. I don't have one, nor did I have the money, transportation, or motivation to get one. So what do I do? I pull out the TIFA skirt. It's a skirt I had bought about 2 years ago that fit when I didn't have "Junk in the trunk"; i.e. when I was about 2 inches shorter, and about 15 pounds lighter. It was so pretty then. At any rate, it didn't fit like it did years ago. I was so embarassed. It was short, and I kept pulling it down. To make matters worse...I left the GOOD shoes at home. So what did I have to wear with it? My regular shoes, the cool blue glitterly ones. This further added to the Tifa "goodness", whom as most people know, I despise. So I finally got the courage to go on stage in the god awful attire (I would've made a good rave/techno juliette though >_>). I messed up my lines. I am not usually a nervous person by, not at all. Not even in acting, but today I got up there and blew it. I think it was mostly the skirt making me feel uncomfortable. If there's any part of my body that I hate, it's definately got to be my legs. So yeah...I got an 85 on the whole thing, and promptly went to the bathroom afterwards to change. Now, who the hell do I manage to run into in the halls? Chad..Chad Rasnake is a sneaky bastard. 2 faced, fat, and just generally unpleastant to be around. He saw me in the skirt. He proceeded to laugh. I asked him if he thought it was funny, to which he replied "Not really, it's just different to see you in one of those!" I promptly threatened him, saying if he told a SOUL about it, or if he laughed one more time, I'd kick his ass right then and there, skirt or not. I believe he believed me, seeing as how the rages of hell were probably burning in my eyes at this point. I got an 86 on the performance...>_<

I was up most of last night, tossing and turning...I went to bed relatively early in Amanda terms (11:30 p.m.). I somehow managed to wake myself throughout the night, one time at 4:28 exactly I remember. I went back to sleep, woke up again at 5, went back to sleep and woke up yet AGAIN at 5:45, so that time I just stayed up.

This morning Mom came to take me to school. The day started out super great, since I wasn't late. I also managed to get a ride home from Piellucci. He was hauling another Amanda girl home too, and they dropped me off first, and proceeded to come in with me. Bev didn't like this other Amanda at all and was cross about it for a half an hour or so after that. I can understand. She's an okay girl most of the time, but sometimes she's just so happy and hyper that it's annoying. I'm sure people would most likely say some things about me like that as well.

Speaking of Mom, this morning when Mom took me to school I discovered that my youngest sister Brooke is very very sick. This really worries me, as she hardly ever gets sick. It's not just one illness either,'s 3. It's bad enough that she has the flu, since that's going around killing younger kids, but no, that's not all. She manages to get strep throat AND bronchitis as well. Truth be told, I'm looking for her to die. Bev called me on it today and said that that was a really "nice" thing to say about her. I'm not saying that I want her to die, I'm just fearful of it, you could say. I told Mom I'd try to walk over there today after school to check up on her and spend time with her, but it was raining, and I despise rain. Furthermore, I wasn't about to go out taking a stroll when it was raining like that. So I managed to call her. She didn't sound good at all, and it's quite strange. It seems as if Brooke is back to her old self again. When we were younger, she was always very polite, and cute, and loving and all that sort of thing. Most of you who have kept up with my entries, in this journal and the last I had, know that she was anything -but- that when I was living there. Brooke has always been my favorite. Lindsay and I have never ever gotten along. No, you see, Lindsay and I just don't have "sibling rivalry." No, we take it to a WHOLE new level. Why? Because she's a moron and always has been. She thought she was so much better than me when we were younger because she had perfectly straight and thin, beautiful hair while I was stuck with the curly, thick, and often unmanageable hair. She made a habit to throw it in my face. Also, when we were younger, I was fat. I'm not talking, " fat is so cute" fat. I'm talking I once wore a size 15 in middle school. Up until 4th grade, I was skinny too...but then my grandparents would always force me to eat, and then well, the rest is history. In 6th, I finally decided that it was getting out of hand. For those of you who haven't seen a size 15, feel good about yourself. Let's just say even with my big hips, I wear about a size 7 these days, 5 if they're made big. 15's aren't huge, but they're not normal either. At any rate, she made it a habit to hit me in the stomach and call me fat and say all this bullshit. I wouldn't punch her then, and I still won't punch her unless she hits me first. Though I really wish I would've. May've showed her early on that I wasn't going to take her shit. But yeah...I just went on a rant about that.

It's supposed to snow tonight...I hope it does. I've got 3 exam reviews here - English, Government, and Geometry. I started working on the English one first so that I could finish it. The plan for the government one was to do as much of it as I got time for, since we're having a thing after school tomorrow to review it and go over the answers. As for Geometry, it's due Friday, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow..

So, I believe I'll go work some on the English one. My stupid self took a nap this evening, and woke up at 11. Such a slob I am.

Kudos to Bev for my Lenne layout. I'm so glad that she's learnt how to make layouts, and the like. I'm going to try and do as as wel, though I'm not so sure as to how that'll work out. The quote is from a bookmark of mine, one of my most favorite ones, and comes from Edgar Allan Poe. It coincidently is also my senior quote for the yearbook.

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