HAPPINESS 2003-12-09 5:46 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

There Brian...Be happy! :D

Tonight was easily the best night of sleep I've ever had. Considering I even awoke at 5 this morning and went to bed about 11. It was just so great. My kitty was there purring and I could rest without worrying about whether he was dead. Or if not dead, if he were starving, cold, or about to be ran over. I will forever be grateful to Bev for spotting him yesterday. It's the same old good Tragic...minus the seperation anxiety. He'll just have to get used to that though, since I have to go to school this morning.

Things are just going so super great these days. Life is happy and not too very stressful, my relationships with people are improving for the most part I'd say, and well...everything is just right!

Minus Theatrical Arts...I hate that class. God knows I knew I shouldn't have taken it. I hate Judith Edgell with a PASSION. Turns out our Forensics competition is today. Guess who didnt' have a piece? Thanks to Bev for giving me that Walt Whitman poem entitled "Eidolons." I wrote up an opening for it today, and since I don't have to memorize the crap, it's a done deal.

I also have that stupid Juliet monologue today. I don't think I'll ever like that play again thanks to that horrid bitch of a woman.

I'll get through it somehow though...I'm even more sure of it now that Tragic is here now. Yes, I'm trying to do government work and he's all in my face not letting me...Sigh. Good times...Good times...

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