A WITCH!!1111 2003-10-19 11:30 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Yes. ...A witch.

As you can see, I've changed my layout so that it's more...fitting for Halloween. I like it ^_^ I may keep it for a while.

Yesterday, my uncle brought his daughter over. If all of America's future could be in the hands of children like that, then there might be hope in the world. She's very polite, very. She's friendly, and shy. Not to mention super cute ^_^ She was also unafraid of my rat or my cats, so kudos to her.

I didn't really do too much yesterday. I'm STILL working on my government work, but I only have about fifty more to go on that sheet. This morning I was a little peeved though. Tragic had bit a chunk out of some work that Miss Warner gave me. It's not too bad though, I'll just have to type it up, and that's more work for me...Ugh.

That'll take up the majority of my day, so I may or may not get to update tonight.

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