The Move 2003-10-27 10:09 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Well, guys, I'm finally out of the hell hole. Long story, so I'll just start out with the weekend first.

Friday, I decided to hang out with Bev instead of doing the good student/club member thing and face painting at the Homecoming game. I kinda had a run-in with Bev's mom. The shock of me being her just sent her a ravin' on me, but just a bit. Things smoothed out later and I don't think she thinks as lowly of me as before. Bev's mom and her husband Gary (teh evil stepdadz0rz) had a fight so she came to the apartment to see if Bev would go with her. She did and I tagged along. I hid from Miss Jackson though, as I knew she'd be furious if she knew I had skipped out. Apparently, Bev told her that I was there. So much for my stealth ninjaism. >_>

Saturday, Bev and I went to Bluefield. H-a-l-l-e-l-u-j-a-h. I hadn't been there in ages. We went to Paradise Pets..ah...I love that place. I want to purchase one of the baby rats from there when they're older...I also was able to see ...newborn ones. Ick. They were red and slimy looking. It's okay though, they grow to become better things. Bev got some crickets for her pet anole (American chameleon) named Midgar. I heart him by the way. We also went to Jo-ann's Fabrics...Oh Em Eff Gee. I so want to cosplay now, even more so than before. We then went to Petland, in the Mercer Mall. Bev got to hold her choice of python there, thanks to my stealthiness. You can't hold any of the reptiles there unless you're buying. That's not the big event though, no siree. There were 3 parrots in the bin, a cockatoo, a scarlet macaw, and some gray thing. The scarlet macaw was secretly a big gay rapster. He had a fetish for Bev's jacket zippers. He <3ed them. The cockatoo was my poison, I found out today that his name was "Apollo". Heh. At any rate, he took it upon himself to crawl up my shoulder, and sort through my hair. When that did not satisfy him nor myself, he proceeded to try to crack my bra strap. The plastic thing on it. >_< I finally got him off. The gray one was nice...and very docile. I shall play more with it when I go up there. And I have bragging rights to one more thing - I kissed a Sun Conure and you did not. :D

Anywho, Bev and I had been discussing my moving in. I needed a refuge from Hell, and she needed a roommate and financial helper. Symbiosis at it's finest. I confronted Dana about the whole bit. She said she didnt' mind, but would have to talk to someone. She then made me talk to Sam, whom I hate. Ugh. He said I should talk to my mom first, since she was legal guardian. This confused me, as I always thought Dana was the one with the legal rights, yadda yadda yadda. At any rate, I was asking Uncle Chuck about it today, and Lindsay overheard and told Mom. After the play rehearsal today, I called Bev to come get me and had plans of staying here for a few hours. I called home to check in and I got a royal slap in the face.

Lindsay said that I did not have to come home. Mom said that I could move out, she had no problem with it. This confused me and obviously startled me. I called Mom and she said yes, I could move out today and that she would take tomorrow evening off work to help. Someone could've hit me in the head with a large rock and I don't believe I would've felt it. I was super stunned. I mean, here I was scared to talk to her about it because I figured she'd blow an artery or vein and she just says "go". So I did. I went to Jason's to get my cat carrier and he came along to help. We got everything out within 2 hours.

So here I am, independent for a bit. I feel so..liberated. Now all that's left is cleaning out my room. I was originally going to take Bev's bed while she took the couch, since she likes the couch a whole lot (it's uber-awesome <3). Mom gave me a bed though. Shock again...

We'll see how this all turns out.

My family now consists of two cats, a rat, 4 or 5 bettas (1 that's mine <3), Bev, my rat, the anole, and Bev's satanic iguana named Cassidy.

Life sure does know how to throw a curve ball of good fortune sometimes! ^_^

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