Today Was Mabon...but... 2003-09-23 11:08 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Well, I didn't get to go to Chad's today. I walked over to Radio Shack as planned, but he never showed up, so Jesse and I just drove around some. We drove around for Chad, but he was nowhere to be found, so Jesse and I decided to go to Jake's house. Jake had his wisdom tooth pulled out today and was a massively bloody mess. It was fun there, and I enjoyed it. Next we went around to Chad's house, but he wasn't home, the stupid bastard. After that,I got a hamburger from Hardees that sucked and put weight on me, and then we went to Jessee's house. I found a half-dozed off Sara, and promptly woke her up. I hung out there for my Mabon...Woo! I got to play bass some and also the acoustic guitar. I had fun...I just wish I could learn to play them better.

After Jesse left for practice and brought me back home, I discovered Anthony online. I wanted him to bring his Playstation 1 over, but did he? No. Fuck him! >_< I better get it tomorrow...I desperately want to play Final Fantasy 8 and 9, which Nathaniel loaned to me today, by the way. I also called Will for a bit, and was happy. We talked and were talking up until a few minutes ago online. Will makes me happy, and he's a great friend. <3

I have to get up in the morning to go to crappy Phyllis's to get my hair cut for senior pics...Ick...I hope it all turns out okay....

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