Sad Day 2003-11-10 10:32 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

First off, a very horrific and saddening thing happened this morning. Bev's iguana, Cassidy, was found dead. I've felt super bad about it all day, especially considering that my cats are more than likely the cause of it, as they were stressing him out by constantly being by his cage and pawing and whatnot. I didn't do too very much about it either, which I regret.. I offered to buy her another one, but she doesn't want it. I can understand that. So, I'm sorry Bev..;_;

Bev had also asked/told me this morning to finally get the home for Celes. I offered to take her to the pound tomorrow if I could not find a home for her, which I didn't really want to do as I don't want Celes euthanized. That won't happen though, as I found out today that my Chemistry teacher was looking for a kitty, and I have one to give away! He'll be keeping it in the house as well and I'm pretty sure that he'll take excellent care of her and give her the attention that I am unable to. I'm going to take him a picture of her in the morning, and hopefully, he'll like what he sees and she can leave. Truth be told, I'll miss her. She's a sweet cat, very gentle and the like, but she's an attention whore (Not like I have much room to talk about her there, huh? XD). So again, hopefully everything'll go well there.

I had a TCAC match today. Miraculously enough, we won. We as in both the English team and the Richlands team. Our English team killed the Tazewell team. 40 - 5. Chris was very very VERY happy...>_>. When we got back to the school, he decided to bring me home. Oh me lord, he started singing in the car, which frightened me. Chris never sings, and lately he's been acting...odd around me. Last year, I had a huge crush on him. No surprise there, everyone knows I have a thing for geeky boys. Geeky as in "Intelligent" XD. I just cannot stand those types with all good looks and no brains. Sure they're good for a little while, but then you want to slap the shit out of them. In fact, there're more than a few people I want to slap the shit out of these days, but that's for another day. But yeah, lately little Chris has been wanting to take me home and then the whole singing bit...oi. People I like never like me when I like them. Prime example - the Mormon. Of course, I don't like him because he's as dumb as a pile of fucking bricks, and that's why I don't have any interest in him now. Also, he's as dirty as a homeless man. He may bathe every 4 days. Ick......At any rate, sorry dear Christopher and adoring fans, but I'm happily single, and I'd like to stay that way, thank you very much. <3

So, yeah. Chris brought me back to the apartment at 6 and no one was here. Fair enough. I wait til 7...outside in the cold, wearing nothing but a business suit skirt and top with pantyhoes (Sp?) XD. I got worried. I went around the apartment places over here looking for a telephone. I finally found one and called bev's mom. Bev wasn't there, fair enough. I called Michael Piellucci (not to be confused with Michael Pulliam) and his gracious self came and got me and let me crash at his place for an hour and a half. I called the answer. I then, after much fun with Piellucci's webcam (and a realization of how pretty I am), proceeded to find the phone book and call Don, Bev's fiancee. She wasn't with him. By this time, I was worried, both for Bev and myself. Piellucci kept saying shit like "Dude, she could've been in a car crash" and scaring me. That's not a fun thing to think about. So I asked Don, since it was getting late and Piellucci's parents wanted me out by 9, if he would run by the apartment and open the door for me. Not 10 seconds after I did, their phone rings, and it's Bev! Woo-hoo! Not only was she not dead, she was home. And so now here I am.

I shall also add that I have decided to write a biography. Many people have said I should write one about the dysfunctional family I have. They have said I'll make millions, and boy do I like the millions!

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