Non Updater 2003-11-08 10:17 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

I haven't updated in a long time. Bev made it a point to tell me as much this morning...>_> I really don't have much time to do so, or much interest. I was worn out Thursday night from the play that we lost, and last night...I was just plain tired.

The play Thursday was okay. I earned a whole six bucks from it. How, you may ask? Tami said she'd pay me 5 bucks to go up to some guy from another school and say something to him. This somethign was "Hey hot stuff, what's a happenin'? You wanna come back to Richlands with me?" and so I did. She gave me another buck to go glomp the same guy. I also found this really neat guy who was dressed as the Grim Reaper, hugged him several times, took his scythe held it above my head and said "VICTORY!!! I HAVE THE SCYTHE!" XD

There was also a guy there who was super pretty, and Tami and I being the fangirls we are, we chased after him. It was silly, but it was fun for the moment.

I didn't really want any of the men though. I've been single since August, and as of late, HAPPILY single. I just use these pretty men as distractions to get my mind off another pretty geeky boy that I hold immense love for. He'd shit himself if he knew I called him a geek..Haha. I will meet that person again one day and maybe things such as karma and fate will have sorted themselves out by then. Oh god, another mushy cliche from myself..Eww.

I must say though. I'm very very happy these days. I have self-esteem. Self-love. All those great sorts of things. I about cried the other day out of happiness because I finally love myself. It sound stupid, but it's been a long time in the coming, Oh yes it has. It feels great, lemme tell you.

I have stuff to do today..Shew. Like getting the weekly money check cashed..Ugh. I hate Dana for that. Bev and I are also picking up a router today, so that both of us can have cable and the phone be free. She finally got her 'puter fixed. Hooray!


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