Oh Yeah.. 2003-11-17 11:25 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Well, this was my first Monday of HELL as a 17 year old. Nothing really went wrong today, everything went perfectly well, even. Is 17 a lucky number? I hope so, as 7 itself is one of my favorite numbers! <3 That is much besides the point though.

I was very much disappointed in myself this morning. The beginning of my first school day at the age of 17 was not like it was supposed to be, no sir. My sorry ass woke up at 6:30, when I knew I had to wake up at 6 so that I could shave my legs for the notorious Minerva business suit, since we were having a match today. I had a very very unhealthy and time-consuming debate when I awoke and found the time to be so very late. To shave or not to shave. What the hell, I did it anyways. Not only were my legs all smooth and pretty, but I was not thrown off schedule, since I shaved while standing up and showering. Ah, multi-tasking in the shower. Rawr. I even made it out early (nevermind the trend her >_>) and made it to Mom's house so that I might get her to sign a form for me to donate blood. After that, I arrived at school early. I hate doing that when I wake up late, it just pisses me off to no degree. I turned the slip in though, and Mrs. Webb, i.e. the leader of the Nazis and of no relation to a one Bryan Webb, said she'd put me on the extras list, in case anyone decided to back out and not give blood. I was so hoping that someone would.

Since I had first heard of the blood drive, I was determined to donate blood. Why? Because, believe it or not, I wanted to help people. So you can imagine how thrilled and happy I was when at 1:50, I was promptly brought down and asked to fill out the form...^_^ After 1 and a half hours of grueling wait, my blood was finally taken from my body. Needles don't really bother me. The only thing that freaks me out and truly bothers me is a fucking cockroach. I hate the goddamned things; I hate them more than I hate feet, or cheese, or tomatoes, or...ick, just anything else. So for the most part I was fine. I do feel kind of bad though, for saying on the form that I ate at 1:00 when I, in fact, did not, and had not ate since 8 in the morning. I did fine though. Didn't even pass out, so I was proud of myself. For the next 30 minutes afterwards, I kept saying to myself "I can't pass out, I can't pass out, I can't pass out..." over and over again. That was the highlight of my day, it was a new experience and one that allowed me to help others, so I'm very glad that I was able to take part in it.

Also, we had our TCAC match today against Pocahontas who was until now, undefeated. Hah, 50 to 20 English team wise (we had 50, of course)...and our school won by a grand total of 229 to their sickening score of 75. Truly, a great day to be had...Not to mention that I got to ATTEMPT to help Bev decorate for Christmas....though...Snow in a can and Manda...they just don't mix.

Must sleep now! Need beauty sleep for when Michael Piellucci loans me "teh camz0rz" tomorrow. Finally...the girl gamer joint blog may be brought to life. Plus I'm just plain tired....Ick.

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