I'm Lazy 2003-08-25 12:30 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

I haven't updated since Thursday. Nothing big has happened though. I've been concerned with schoolwork and Michael. I just got done doing my bit of A.P. Government, picking the topic adn writing things about it. I've decided on the gay bishop.

I've been a bit sick these past couple of days. Sick with worry, and physically unhealthy. I just want this whole matter with Michael to clear up. I realize that I screwed up, and I'm still hoping that something can come of it. I don't know if it can though. Michael is the most amazing person I've ever met though, and I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with him, which is in itself, a bit scary. I don't feel that way about anyone. Also, I'll be honest, I miss the sex. I guess I missed it because I got something out of it because I was under the impression that he loved me. I don't know if he did or not, he said he did and didn't a number of times. The last itme he said that he didn't and he'd lied about it and that I had forced him to. I'm going to wait this thing out for as long as it takes though. If he and I don't get back together though, that's fine. At least he's still speaking to me. If we do, then that's good. It might be a while before we both change into the people that the other wants, but I'm willing to wait and change.

On another note, I finally got my period on Friday morning (think 1 a.m.), but it's pretty much over with now, thank god. It wasn't very bad either! ^_^ I didn't even have to use any pills to control cramps, a little bit of which I'm having now. I want to sleep though....5:45 comes early...;_;

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