Fever 2003-11-22 7:53 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

When I go to bed at 9:00 p.m., it's clearly evident that I'm sick. I woke up various times throughout the night...and each time I found myself to be way too hot, but didn't know where my nyquil was...so I just turned my heat all the way down, and opened my bedroom window. It may've been all of 30 degrees outside, but I still found myself hot, so I went and stole one of bev's cold cold cokes...>_> I got tired of drinking it, put it back in the fridge (This was around 4) and attempted to sleep again, which I did. I finally got completely sick of trying to sleep when I woke up yet again at 7, so I just stayed up. I finally got to the Nyquil this morning, thank God. Before that though, I found everything around me to be flaming hot. I was turning the heaters down and Bev turned on the air conditioner. I'm way hotter than I was yesterday with the 100 degree temperature, so I'm guessing it's 102 or 103. I want to take a shower, but that would require hot water and then I'd have to fix my hair...with the Blowdryer and the iron...both of which are hot..;_;

Time for me to finally use that cold washrag....God...

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