Fantastic, Yes 2004-10-12 7:58 p.m.

Mood - Fantastic + + Music - Lunar Silver Star Story CD <3

This week hasn't been too terribly bad. I finally got to work at Gamestop! Saturday was the lucky day and it was HELLA fun. I'm not even kidding. I should not love my job as much as I do. As I mentioned earlier, I know most of the people there. I came to meet the person who will probably be my best-at-work-friend, Kelly! She is the complete opposite of me - blonde, long hair, and skinny ! XD She also has braces, so we were auto best friends. My card says "Rookie #1", she is #2. Mwa ha ha. She is also 22. >_> She looks like...18. She thinks I look twenty. XD She was really surprised that I'm only 17. Speaking of 17, I'm the youngest person at work. ;_;

So now you might be wondering about what I did. Kelly and I arranged games in the closet. Scary, I know. Everything was horribly out of place, and by the time we got done, every game for the Playstation 2, Game Cube, and Xbox were in alphabetical order, sorted by used and new status. So yeah, I practically know about every game we have there. XD I did the XBox ones completely by myself. Kelly completely outdid me in the PS2 section though, I tried to keep up but I just felt SO behind. So I crawled my ass up on the ladder for about an hour and a half and arranged xbox games. XD

Kelly and I ate at Chick Fil A. I am in love with their awesome chicken sandwiches. I also got to find a copy of Lunar Silver Star Story Complete, which I stored there as soon as I got there and my stupid self squealed in front of the manager and put it in the "Hold box" in the back. I picked it up today and got my employee discount...^_^ I got home and about shit myself. I had forgotten just how wonderful of a game it was.

What's the best part of my job though? Well, the atmosphere and everything! Everyone's great and we all play games so we have all this shit in common. In fact, one of my coworkers and assistant manager (who also said they'd probably keep me after christmas *unofficially* ^_^) is a HUGE Persona fan. He also is a huge RPG fan, so we went on talking about Persona 2 for a good deal of the time and about Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne...which comes out tomorrow....*_* I put the strategy guide in the hold box in the back. I hate him as well. They got a copy of Lunar 2: Eternal Blue in the big PACKAGE..omgg...and he so put it on reserve. The manager (Whose tag says "The Man", who reminds me of Coach Jeff TARTER, and who hates anime(XD), and who I deeply want to call Kanrinrin-san) said that if he didn't pay for it in the two week time that we have to pay for held stuff, I could so get it. And I would, and he would FEAR. I so told the manager that I would, and that if Brave Fencer Musashi came into the store, I would wrestle someone over it.

God, I love work. Exx Dee.

Also, Prince Kitten (Tragic) is well. Why would he not be? Simple! He had to go to the doctor yesterday! ^_^ I finally know how much he weighs...9.87 pounds. He is such a porker, but he's so lithe and tiny. XD I could never imagine him being almost 10 pounds. He was deemed healthy, blood tested for FIV (Feline Leukemia), given rabies shots, distemper shots, and feline leukemia shots. He handled them all well. I was proud. But when it came time for them to check his ears, he got angry. He's always been sensitive about his ears, to the point of digging them until they bleed if something messes with them. Well, he had a severe case of earmites..which I had never known ick..he has to have medicine for that. I think a lot was done for the $143.70 I spent on him. I'm glad. He was a little sore feeling today I imagine, because he wouldn't eat, but he's fine now! Tomorrow is also his third birthday, because I'm dumb and thought he was four.

Goodness. Off to play Lunar and give Tragic his medicine.

Also, I want to know what you guys think of my first essay for Philosophy 101. The essay topic I chose was:

"What's the Point?

Several years ago, our blood-thirsty dog, Jenny, treated herself to a nest of recently-born rabbits. My daughter rescued one of the bunnies and brought it inside. It was physically undamaged, but I knew that these situations rarely work out. We made a little nest out of a box, some grass, and an old dishtowel. My daughter put a stuffed animal (a dog, ironically) into the box so the rabbit would have something to snuggle with. Despite my cautious attempts to keep the kids from becoming emotionally attached, they began picking out names for the rabbit.

I left work early one day, about a week after the rescue. I checked on the rabbit and saw that it was still, cold, and barely breathing. I took it outside into the sunshine to warm it. When it warmed a little, I tried to feed it warm milk with an eyedropper. It was too weak to take the milk at first, but did manage to take a few drops. It was a slight improvement, and a fleeting improvement at that. The rabbit soon began to convulse, slowly at first and then more violently. I could only watch as it writhed in apparent agony. In time, the convulsions slowed and then stopped altogether as the rabbit died. My daughter cried when she came home and during the funeral in the back yard (where we buried the other baby rabbits). We buried the stuffed dog with the rabbit.

So, what was the point? Did the rabbit's life have any meaning? What meaning could there have been in our efforts to save it? When it comes to finding meaning in life, are our lives any different from the rabbit's? Explain how any two theories from this unit would respond. Evaluate these viewpoints as you establish your own position."

Essay is here.

Feedback appreciated. <3

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Bradley - 2004-10-12 20:46:27
Thank goodness it is a bitchin' workplace. She's right, too. You do look about 20. Chick-Fil-A sandwiches own my soul. I have scientific proof, but I left it back in the lab. Good thing Tragic is doing well. Keep on truckin', little dooder! Send him my birthday wishes. And the essay is good! But you have heard my thoughts already. <3
Erika - 2004-10-13 04:43:45
Must be nice to work at a place that you LOOOVE. =) (I am so freakin' jealous of you!) Oh yeah, I saw this and thought you had to see it: Our kinsfolk are hella awesome. I must master the ninja shirt-folding technique! =D

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