;_; 2004-11-29 3:24 p.m.

Mood - Sad with a mix of Annoyed + + Music - Gwen Stefani - What You Waitin' For?

Bradley is gone. He was taken away at around 4:30 this morning. My class for psych was cancelled so I got up after he left and guzzled down some Nyquil as I've had a bad cold since yesterday.

Bradley was supposed to leave yesterday, but I made him miss his plane....half on purpose and half accidental. I don't regret it though, because we had so much to do that we didn't get done that we sorta got done yesterday. I guess I should talk about the trip one day at a time...kya.

So Bradley came on Wednesday. It was procrastination at its finest with me getting ready, getting stuff and cleaning up the final things in my room. He was supposed to get here at noon and actually got here at 1. So we exchanged our late birthday presents. I swear, that boy is crazy giving with presents...*counts* I have 18 doujinshi. ^^; Persona 1 and 2 and Evangelion doujin of course. We didn't do much else. He played a little bit of Persona 2 and...I forget what else happened that day. That was also the day Bradley lost his virginity. XD XD XD

Thursday was Thanksgiving and Bradley had told me that he had ordered Brave Fencer Musashi (!!!) and that he had also gotten overnight delivery. We waited on it, but it did not come. I checked the mail and then Bradley informed me that oh, well, it was a National Holiday. Silly us. XD

Friday, we waited, it didn't come. We ranted to the ebay seller. We thought about going to the mall and getting stuff, but decided not to since it was Black Friday. We hung around played his Sega Saturn....which he doesn't know, but I'm secretly in love with that sytem. I'm horrible at Bomberman...but it was SO much fun! *_* I was only slightly better at Bust a Move 2, and I believe that was because I used to play the demo for the Playstation version of Bust a Move...I think it was a ratio of 1:8 in wins though. o_O; I invited the dudes from work over for a party and they got there at like...1. We had some alcohol,a nd I got piss ass drunk after like...a tiny shot of vodka, part of a green apple smirnoff and a bacardi O3...which is crazy, since last time at my birthday party at work...I had a shot of tequilla (yuck), a shot of rum, a shot of PINEAPPLE rum, a whole shitload of pucker, and god knows how much beer. XD Of course, I was feeling kinda sick before they got there. Bradley had a little bit of alcohol, but hated it, so didn't drink any more. The night ended with Bradley and I sleeping (actually) together and me telling him that I was going to die (my heart was super racing and I was totally scared) and that he had better not let me. XD Needless to say, I woke up Saturday and all was well. I was not dead.

So Saturday ended up being SHOPPINGU day. We went and got some fabric for the Mew costume (we were actually looking for Shinji stuff, but found nothing! ;_; ). We also found this great bridal pattern that would be great for Garnet's dress from FFIX...but it was $25.00.XD We then went to the mall and he got me the new Gwen Stefani CD - Love. Angel. Music. Baby. which I love. <3 He also got me the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind DVD which is a VERY awesome movie. <3 We then caught a cab and came home. Low and behold, Brave Fencer Musashi had arrived. We watched the DVD and then played it. Omggg....It was like a brain orgasm or something. I love that game to pieces.

He was supposed to go back yesterday...however, being the sly devil bitch I am, I made him miss his plane. XD He got to stay 13 more hours! :D :D ^_^ Yay! We watched a few eps of evangelion...the End of Evangelion movie and played more Brave Fencer Musashi. I also read a tiny bit of his palm. I think we went to sleep together around 1:30.

We then woke back up at 3:30 or so, and he took a shower and had to leave. He came back and woke me back up at 4 ish and we said our goodbyes. I called him back into my room twice before he left in a crying blubbering mess. I super love Bradley, more so than I have loved anyone else ever. When he was gone, I just felt..so naked, and alone. Like, I had gotten used to him holding me and my waking up beside him (Which has never happened with other boyfriends...blah) and I just felt that it had to be there. There was a pressure on me all morning, like in places where he should've been holding me but wasn't.

And that's that. Sigh...I want to see him again..;_; EDIT: I forgot pictures. I'm the DUMB.

Omgg. I shattered your A.T. Field With CUTENESS Shinji-kun! ^_^
Asuka x Shinji really IS the best and most PERFECT Evangelion pairing! :D
I tried to flip him on the forehead..Asuka style...but it didn't work! Stupid camera! :(

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Bradley - 2004-11-29 18:55:53
Oh, goodness. I didn't know that you felt that way about Saturn. You should have told me, I would have let you kept that too. I love you, Amanda. More than anyone. You're the sweetest, most wonderful girl I've ever known. Needless to say, I can't wait to be with you again. <3 <3
Sofie - 2004-12-10 13:22:33
You guys look so cute together. ^_^ And I can understand what you mean, when I was in your shoes almost two years ago, I couldn't wait moving to Sweden >D Good luck to both of you!

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