J Christ 2004-06-25 9:40 a.m.

Mood - Tired + + Music - Ayaka Komatsu - Romance ; Alisa Durbrow (Kuroki Mio) - Change of Pace

I haven't updated in forever. I've just not felt up to it lately. I diet, and just sit on the net and talk to people on AIM...and oh yeah, I've been going somewhere just about every other day.

I went to JoAnn's the other day and found THE Perfect fabrics for my Mars costume, so I bought them, and an ice skating pattern so that I could make the actual costume itself. I'm going to practice first on old sheets though to see if I can get the hang of it. I think I will though and I'm pretty sure it'll turn out wonderfully. I'll be sure to post pictures of it if anyone wants to see it when I'm done.

I also went to the college Wednesday to take the placement test. I know I totally beat it's ass on the english part, but the math...I'm not so sure on. I had forgotten most of the things I had learned in Geometry and Algebra II, and so I was kinda lost...XD I think I'll brush up on my math and take it over for a 10 dollar fee.

I weighed myself today. I haven't lost so much as even one pound or a half a pound. Granted, I've taken some leeway with the diet (mixing and matching, but still eating healthy and for the suggested things); I've also been exercising faithfully every morning...and not even anything to show for it. I'm disappointed. I won't stop though, even though I won't have much chance to eat well while on vacation.

Speaking of which, we're leaving today around 1:30 or so to head to Virginia until at least Tuesday, and then I dont' know where we're going from there. While we're gone, I'll actually write out what happens each day and then type it in here...

I don't suspect it'll be that fun, because I'll see all my friends and cry and want to stay there. In fact, I begged them not to make me go because of that reason, but they denied me. So it'll be fun being homesick for a few weeks after we come back. I hope it doesn't affect me too badly since on July 11, I'm going to see teh BRADLEY! I look forward to it, though I am a bit embarassed as to what my grandma and Sam said to his mother.

Sam introduced himself as my legal guardian. Woah, old man, nice way to make yourself have a regal title there. I hope it makes him feel important, cause he's really not. I also found out that Sam signed my college application papers, which severely pissed me off. He's nothing to me. Not legally, not familially, not in any way, and I told my grandma as much. Oh, but that's not the best part, no no. My grandma told Bradley's mother to watch me and be with me at all times. Gee, nice way to treat me like an adult there, Dana. She fully expects me to stay at and in Bradley's house the entire time...and not go anywhere.

Some of you have not been reading this diary long, so I will explain.

My grandma is as crazy and overprotective as they come. And I do mean crazy. Not funny crazy but mentally handicapped crazy. I wanted to go on vacation one time, even offered to pay for everything, hotel, gas, etc. this countered ALL of her excuses. So the day before we were to leave, she made herself get upset, blamed it on me and signed herself into the hospital for a week, insisting she was having heart problems. I have nightmares...and I'm not kidding about this, of when I was 11-12 and she used to hold my wrist in public. She only did it with her middle finger and thumb and to this day whenever I think of it, it horribly enrages me. Right now, I'm getting mad over it.

Better still, she does not want me to meet Bradley's other friend and my other friend down there, Brian. She told Bradley's mom I was not to go near him. Which is really hilarious, since he lives within walking distance of Bradley. I asked her about it and she lied and said she never said that, she only said she didn't want me staying overnight at Brian's house. This'd be understandable if he wasn't gay.

I'm very surprised that she didn't say "OMFG, Amanda is a whore, she sleeps with everyone! Do not let her in the same 20000 feet of your son, they will fuck! :(" because she likes to tell horrible lies about me and exaggerate them tenfold. It's awesome.

She also likes to get mad for no reason. She never pays any attention to anything I say. I can tell her the same thing five times in a row, and she doesn't pay attention.

So now we head out to unknown waters. To keep me sane I have earplugs since I have to share a room with Dana and Sam and last time I did so, I could not sleep because they are nasty fucking snorers. Also, I'm picking up a portable CD player, since my sisters got a hold of my last one. I cannot live without the two songs mentioned above, especially not for any lengthy period of time.

Here's to the trip. Mwa ha ha.

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