153 Dodges and Confusion 2004-08-12 2:19 p.m.

Mood - Frustrated + + Music - FFX -Thunder Plains (On T.V.)

So, my days have been mostly consumed with a replay into the depths of Final Fantasy X. I am much farther now than I ever was any of the times I played previouusly. I beat the shit out of Yunalesca, my characters have better stats, since while I haven't been EXTREMELY Levelling up, I've not been disregarding it either like I was before. In previous games, I went to fight the Spectral Keeper before Yunalesca and didn't even have Reflect OR Curaga, cause I'm a dummy like that. Now I'm in the airship and trying to do things that every good OCD FF player would do (or just a HARDCORE one) - Get the Celestial Weapons and their power ups. So far I have the Mars Crest, Venus Crest, Sun Crest, Moon Crest, and the Nirvana and Onion Knight Weapons. So I have to go after the Sigils. Fun. I started out today thinking that I would get the Venus Sigil. Dodge 200 lightning bolts, no problem, right? WRONG.

I had up to 153 and BAM out of nowhere it came! My hopes of powering up the Onion Knight and getting a Sigil were dashed into the Thunder Plains :( I got mad and turned it off, I will try later. I've also tried to get the Sun Sigil via Chocobo race....my best time is 0:17.5....that's a great deal from O:0.0 @_@ I can't even get down to 0:20.0 now... and forget that butterfly catching crap for Kimahri. I could do it alright before...but now that I have the airship...I keep running into red ones that don't really appear to be there...Auron's Sigil I could probably get, Monster catching isn't that hard. I've got all of the ones from Besaid, Kilika, and the Calm Lands....lesse...for Wakka, I'd have to play hours of blitzball, which I'm not a huge huge fan of. For Rikku...the Sanubia desert goodness and...cactuars. -_-

I will perservere! Later this evening I WILL Get the Venus Sigil and try for most of them...with the exception of maybe Kimahri. I hardly ever use him anyways, and those butterfly things are just ridiculously spread about the area in which you have to capture the blue ones.

In other news, I got my sewing books in from Amazon.com. I decided to check their site this morning and it said that it had been delivered, I didn't know if Dana had gotten it or not since when I woke up she was asleep (11-ish) and usually when she gets packages for me she leaves them on the table...no package on the table. So I went outside and it was on the porch. I'm super happy about receiving them, but they confuse me...greatly. I'll just have to constantly keep at them and study them so I can make costumes wonderfully.

On another note, I went to the awesomeness that is Wal-mart on Monday. I got most of my school supplies, like notebooks, paper, a whole bunch of mechanical pencils (In fact, I think they were like six bucks for a pack of...*counts* 24), tab dividers, gel pens and an agenda. Okay, so the last two weren't for school, but I love agendas and pens and stickers...I had one from 2003- January 2004 that I kept detailed notes of EVERYTHING I did. Yes, -everything-. >_> I also picked up a pack of sharpie markers...for my wig dying endeavors (which I'll talk about much later @_@). While in Wal-Mart, a bunch of thoughts went into my head while being checked out by someone that looked like Johnny Depp, though slightly handicapped. It just goes to show, that you can have the looks or talent maybe for something of the high end caliber (acting, in this case) and a small detail (such as a handicap) can keep you from attaining it. I'm not saying this guy's goal was to do that, but he and Johnny Depp looked similar execpt for that one thing. So I was thinking about how one little thing can throw things way off course, that one small detail can mean a lot of changes and differences in fate for two similar people. Okay, maybe I'm stupid for thinking that, but oh well. After paying for my goods, I went to the McDonalds that's located there. I noticed an old man on a walker, the kind that have tennis balls on the back two ...ends? I guess that's what you call them. This old man made me realize how crazy and scary old age is. I never want to get like that. I dont' want to get wrinkles and not be able to take care of myself. To have to have someone I don't really know wipe my ass and give me baths. The prospect of getting old is very scary to me. You get old, you become helpless, you are just a shell of your former self. Sometimes, in addition to your body deteriorating, your mind does so as well. Then you're nothing. Just a faint speck of dirt on the glass of life. You can be wiped away and then another speck will come along and run its course.

Yeah, I'm weird, but getting that old really does scare me something fierce. it makes me think of what will happen to me, how I won't remember things and/or people I care about.

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