Geez Longest Skip Yet 2004-08-07 11:56 a.m.

Mood - Content + + Music - FFIX - Melodies of Life

It's been a while since I've updated. Between general apathy, busy schedules, and lack of energy/sleep, I've had no time to do so.

I finished my driving school yesterday. Not only did I pass, but I did pretty well. I'm sure I have an A that will lower my insurance just a teeny bit.

Another game was once again conquered by me. On my quest to beat all the game I haven't beat previously, I beat FFIX. It wasn't the best ending I'd ever seen, but eh, now I can say I beat it. I'm now on FFX. I have also added .hack/infection to my collection, so now I can throughly kick it's ass.

Same old same old with Dana and Sam, so I won't go into it at great depth in this entry.

My main concern with this entry is about my cosplaying endeavours. I desperately want Bradley and myself to go as Asuka, and we will eventually. I have to 1. lose a severe amount of weight (30-40 pounds), 2. acquire money, and 3. get from one location to the other. AWA is out of the question since I won't have a way down there and I'll also be 17 at the time AWA rolls around, so I can be told no by Sam and Dana and that will be that. Also, I want to debut Asuka and Shinji at a great convention that a lot of people attend, so they can witness the greatness and likeness of Bradley and myself. So I'm holding off Asuka and Shinji until Otakon '05. However, Bradley and I will be attending Katsucon '05.

And this cosplay endeavor is his ideal, so for once, I don't have to be indecisive about something. We're going as Beat and Mew/Bis from Jet Set Radio/Jet Grind Radio. Bradley's costume will be easy enough, as he's not going to have a severe weight fluctuation within the next 6 months. So, his costume will also be done first. I'm not sure whether I should use the LJ I registered as my cosplay journal or just have a seperate page here...I think I will have it just on this page, as I hate LJ and don't really want to fool with it.

So, for your awesome convenience, here are pics of Beat and Mew/Bis below.


Mew <3

Mew again <3

In game shot of Mew

Another like the above.

Rollerblading is fun, let me tell you. I will be the first to admit that I'm not thrilled at the idea of using real rollerblades for this endeavor, but if I have to I can...we still haven't decided if we will or not. But either way, heavy modification will be required. I'm getting my wig from (hopefully). I'm not sure if Bradley's thrilled about using a wig or not, but I don't want to cut his hair as short as Beat's...I figure we can style it to make it look short...without actually cutting it too much, and then there's always temporary hair dye. Wee. Two redheads. Rawr.

Since I'm horribly awful at sewing, I have purchased 3 books from regarding sewing and patterns...Last step after those is fabric and other acessories (i.e. headgear) which I figure we can make from PVC and foam, which would require a hell of a lot of work...all done by me, since Bradley cannot do anything and would cry at the sight of hard projects. I'm just kidding, but...yeah. I might leave the shoes up to him, but I will monitor it...closely...>_> I'm anal retentive about details. However, I do plan with Mew, instead of using regular tights/whatever, on using thigh highs.

Yeah, I'm a crazy. Any cosplayers that want to leave comments about this can do so. (i.e. You Mesia, because I love you! <3)

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