FUCK! >_< 2004-09-29 8:57 a.m.

Mood - Rushed + + Music -

I'm such a moron.

I woke up at 7:00 as usual. I was tired, so I decided to lay down just until 7:30, which is when Bradley wakes up.

It's 9:00 before I wake up (i.e. now). I've got a class at 10. So a shower is out of the question for me. My hair is not as greasy as it so could be.

I think the reason for this is because I had found out a few weeks ago that just washing with my shampoo makes it not so greasy the next day. I get out at 12:20 and have to go back at 2. So no shower for me today! Unless I don't got to that class...or I leave early. Both of which I'm considering.

However, I must go to chemistry, greasy hair or no, as we have a big test in there today (as he calls them...exams).

So yeah, today is going to be hell.

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