And It Makes Me Feel So Fine I Can't Control My Brain 2004-09-27 6:50 a.m.

Mood - Sleepy/Frustrated + + Music - Sigh..None Now

I so had an entry here before my computer shat all over it and froze Internet Explorer. ;_;

So my computer is somewhat function. IE is still a problem. I blame spyware and possibly viruses...I tried a system restore and that worked decently well for a few days..

I haven't been up to much recently. I found out that my black rat Himeko died from "heat stroke." Heat stroke in Bradley brought that to my attention, otherwise, it wouldn't have occurred to me.

I was sick Wednesday to Friday, missing Hell Chemistry (Wed and Fri). It figures I'd get sick on the two days that I have classes most of the day. I went thursday though because it was only like 3 hours worth of classes. Bradley was kind enough to stay home with me all three days and make me feel better...^_^..though his staying home on Friday was by complete accident, as he actually got a little sick as well! XD

I'm also dropping my psychology class. Between taking a few days off and getting sick, I'm way behind and I can't get motivated enough to catch up. I just don't want to wake up at 6 for it if I don't have to have it...which I don' yeah. That kinda ruins my credits for UGA, but only by a little bit. I could make up for it next semester, but I'd be one off. XD So I'm thinking of probably taking a winter or summer class. I'd probably actually need to take the winter class to get my transfers in order...but I'd really like to spend time with Bradley for Christmas...who knows if that's even an option though.

Bradley himself is supposed to come up here so we can have "OMGG DOUBLE BIRTHDAY" fun. He's already gotten me a bunch of stuff. I feel so left behind. ;_; He's mostly getting me Evangelion doujinshi! *_* Asuka x Shinji, of course...except that one that we thought was AxS and was FILTHY ReixShinji.

Oh yeah...I'm turning in my application to Game Stop today. They'll hire people at 16...which means I can get started MUCH Faster on that whole saving to move out thing...Mwa haha.

Well, I'm out of things to write about...eeep.

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