How STUPID Could I Get?! 2004-09-29 11:25 a.m.

Mood - Angry. Defeated. Will To Live - Void + + Music -

So it figures I'd forget that we're allowed a 3" by 5" index card to write whatever we want to to bring into the exam.

*kicks things Misato style*

And I'm not doing too well in the way of work either in this Chemistry class. I know what the problem is, it's me. Apparently, I haven't gotten it out of my head that this GPA here counts more...because it will be with me the rest of my life. There will be NO clean slate for me again after this. English and Philosophy and even math. Easy! No problem! I could probably even do psychology at this point.

But Chemistry is the bane of my existence. Most science is. AND I LOVE SCIENCE.

So what the hell's the problem?! Why can't I concentrate?! I should be able to do it, I've always been good at it.

I have to be good at it because if I don't, I can't be a veterinarian like I've dreamed of being for almost 15 years.

So enough's enough. I'm not sitting by and letting this get to me.

I have two options.

1. Go home and cry and sulk and kick things, like I feel like doing.

2. Go home and beat the hell out of chemistry and any other subject that gets in my way.

Or maybe both. But I'm definately going to do the second one....but that means I have like no time for anything else...Sigh...I guess I can do the other things when studying isn't a problem and I actually DO become a vet..

Because I've not had a shower, I'm tempted to just go home and miss math class. I mean, that's something I've had going on three years in a row of...

But I really should go.

God, I'm the worst, laziest, stupidest person ever and I hate myself right now for it.

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Bradley - 2004-09-29 15:41:20
Don't fret. You can kick Chemistry's ass. I know it, you know it, the American people know it. Knowledge is a weapon. Lock and load. (I'm sorry, that just sounded really cool for a second.)

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