Fuck Times Infinity, I Hate You Alarm Clock 2004-01-15 10:58 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

My alarm clock didn't go off this morning. It was imperative that I not only wake up early enough to go to school, but that I wake up early enough to do extra things. I had plans to wash dishes early this morning, among other things. Plus, I had all kinds of plans to go to school and get everything taken care of since I have 4 billion tests tomorrow. That's why I couldn't take off for Josh's visit. Since I'm kinda stuck here now without books though, I might just take tomorrow off too. I hate that alarm clock. I would get Bev to take me, but it seems kindly rude to do so with her friend here. Plus, I have to clean up today. I'm going to pull a fast one and clean the whole house. Plus, I have to wait on Josh tonight. Meh.

I'm going to get Megan to get my books and take them to work with her tomorrow night, so I can study over the weekend. Just because Josh'll be here doesn't mean I shouldn't continue to do well in school or that I should neglect it.

Josh also poses problems. I dont' know how he and Bev are going to get along, that bothers me. I don't know how he and I are gonna get along. Plus, he said he doesn't want to sleep in the main living area, so more than likely, he'll have to take my bed and I'll be on the couch. I would sleep in the same bed, but I don't want Bev to think badly of me and I don't want him to get any ideas. I learnt the first time around, and I'm certainly not putting myself in that kind of position again. Sometime today though, I plan on sweeping and mopping the entire house (minus bev's room and the bathroom, our bathroom's fairly clean) and washing dishes. Also, I need ot majorly clean my room, which I've been putting off and doing in small increments day by day.

On another bright side, my rat's litter finally have markings... ^_^ Enjoy this cute picture!

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