Aftermath 2003-11-20 6:16 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Today sure was a day, Oi. We ended up having school on a 2 hour delay. I got ready this morning and borrowed some clothes from Megan. I also tried to get ahold of Bev this morning, but was unable to. I then called her again when I got to school and talked to her. Don's mom isn't going to the apartment, so she won't find the cats. Bev was also sick, so she said she probably wouldn't get to go to the apartment, but by the time I got to Megan's house from school, she had done so. We have to make a list of everything that's damaged enough to throw away, and the insurance that Don's mom has on it (she's the landlord, in case you couldn't tell) will pay for it. The only thing that might be damaged is our cable modem; we can get another one from Adelphia. I was so happy...Goodness. My cats are okay, and nothing besides the furniture and the cable modem is damaged. It could've been so much worse, and I'm glad that it didn't end up that way. Also, when I got to Megan's house today, a dirty little surprise awaited me. Mother. She had called and DEMANDED that I come home, or go to my uncle's. She wouldn't even let me talk. Last night she said it was -okay- for me to stay with Megan. Then today, she goes into super bitch mode. She yelled and screamed and I started crying again. I mean, I had NO Clothes when I got here, and no toothbrush - nothing. Megan let me borrow clothes, even gave me a pair of shoes, and her family was nice enough to put me up for the night (and tonight) and feed me. Shew...I didn't want to go to her house, because I didn't want what remaining items I had to be stolen and I most -certainly- didn't want to go to my uncle's because of the people he keeps there. If it's not the methodone whore, it's that man from yesterday who was excessively drugged up, and I don't want to be raped. They don't understand that. Mom even called me irresponsible. Hello, Mom. I went to a trusted friends house, who gave me CLOTHES that I could wear for school and things of that nature. How is that irresponsible? I could've done like the other two children and went to a fucking druggies house and smoked pot and snorted pills all the night long. The drama never ends, and this time, the family involved Megan's Mom in it. I feel awful for that too, because I sincerely respect Megan's mom. I get to stay here tonight, but I feel kinda bad about it. Also, Bev called in the middle of all this and I told her what was going on. She couldn't believe it, and even said something to the effect of "My god, can they NOT shut up after all the hell you went through last night?" My thoughts exactly, but they don't see it that way. Dana was a bit more tolerable to talk to and told me I could stay, but that I had to go to Chuck's house Saturday..*shivers* I won't go. I'll make sure the apartment's cleaned by then. Shew, it's just one thing after another with the family...and I can't wait to get out of here, to never have to put up with them again. Bev also said that we have 3 inches of mud in the living room..that her mats are ruined and that our couch is probably rotting, but the insurance'll take care of that. I'm so so very glad that Tragic, as well as the other pets, are alive.

There will be many things for me to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

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