jadfkadjskladsjflkadsjfs FUCK YOU 2005-03-08 11:31 a.m.

Mood - Angry! + + Music -

Dear Carroll Community College -

In the event of MINI BLIZZARDS, please have the good sense to cancel your schools so that my choice is not 1. brave the blizzard and die or wreck my car if I'm unsuccessful or 2. take a zero in my governemnt class.

Also, if the weather is not so bad, please do not cancel school (i.e. like you did on February 28) just because there's a "chance" of a blizzard.

Please have your prescription lenses checked. If you are not wearing any, I recommend an optometrist.

Please have windows installed into your office(s) so you can see the mighty snow when it IS BLANTANTLY BLIZZARDING, YOU FAGS.

Please stop leaving school open so you can fuck each other while the rest of us perish on the highway.

K Thx die you bastards.


Amanda, who will probably be dead along 140 sometime today.

Obviously, it is very warm and school needs to be open. I'm going to go plant such wonderful SPRINGTIME things such as FLOWERS. I believe I'll give it the old college try and shave my legs, and wear a bathing suit outside to do my gardening. Why, there is no better day than today to go to school or do hot activities. In fact, I believe I will roll the window down to intake the wonderful SMELLS OF NATURE AND TO SEE THE
GREEN GREEN GRASS on my way to school. And to, y'know, save on air conditioning, since it's so dreadfully hot.

I hope everyone of the higher ups at the school crashes and dies. That'll show them to not cancel school during a FUCKING BLIZZARD.

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Charisma - 2005-03-08 11:46:30
I know...it's wonderful that it's NOT SNOWING or anything!!!!! It's a beautiful day out...sun is shining, birds are singing, grass is green and growing, and it's WARM out. Isn't it happy? >_<
Amanda - 2005-03-08 11:48:26
It's happy like I'm going to be when I fucking murder those morons.
Kaji - 2005-03-08 22:36:44
Everyone knows that the president of any university is an inept stoner. The way to motivate them is to steal their weed.

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