Guess Whos Gone, Gone Again 2004-01-02 3:33 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Yes, Tragic has ran amuck again. I think I left him alone this time for maybe 5,6 minutes as I was helping Bev figure out how to download and work IRC, so that she could download anime. It wasn't until an hour or so later that I noticed he was gone. I had thought he was outside, and then in my fit of rage last night at other people, I just put my headphones on, and turned the lights out, waiting for "the phone call." Well, I noticed a shadowy something or another at the window, which freaked me out (it was more than likely the tree outside my window). So I moved the current and there was nothing. So I turned the light on and reexamined the window. Hmm. It was open a little too much. Tragic not, he couldn't have ran out the window again.

But he had. His stupid ass had ran out the window again. I was even MORE pissed at this point. I told Bev I didn't care if he came back or not, that he could starve and die and I wished he would. I lied though, I really was worried about him, but it started raining, so he couldn't have gotten too far. And he didn't get too far the other time. So he's either still in the neighborhood, or he's dead. I think it's the first option.

He'll come back eventually, or I'll find him. I mean, he came back okay the first time, thanks to Bev.

I think I'm going to have to put up a thing in my currents, to show if Tragic's here or not. I'm telling ya Bev, Tragic's getting as bad as Cassidy. Okay maybe not..but still. >_>

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