So Its The New Year 2004-01-01 4:25 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

So it's finally 2004. I never thought I'd ever be old enough to see this, that's for sure. I figured by now we'd have solar powered cars...and beam light transporters.

But everything's just as boring as before.

My New Year's eve went pretty well. I went to the board and engaged in a spree, something I haven't done in a long time. It gave me something to do, and I guess I had fun. I had 200+ posts in about 4 or 5 hours. I could've gotten Woosters if I had wanted...but nah. Reinfors ++++ was enough for me. Last night Bev had also decided that we have a "Chinese New Year." Good thinking on Bev's part. She and Don went out and purchased Chinese food for us all, for which I'm quite thankful. I had Chicken Lo Mein, an old favorite of mine. Truth be told, I really wish that I would've gotten Sweet and Sour Chicken like Bev and Don had...simply because they've gotten me hooked on it. ^_^

Since I've just realized that I havent' updated in uber-super long, I guess I'll talk about my grandma's wedding. She got married on the 27th of last month (seems odd to say that, considering it was only a few days ago o_O). I'm really happy for. Maybe she and Sam really do care for each other. Of course, I think that she's just with him for money and he's just out for someone to sleep with since his wife was incoherent in a hospital bed, and is now dead. Of course, I could be wrong. It could just be that I'm being a cynical bitch. Maybe I've been proven wrong this time. My grandma also happened to give me twenty bucks at this reception, for an FFX-2 strategy guide that she hadn't gotten me for Christmas, since apparently they had been sold out in Maryland. So she gave me the money to go buy that with, provided that I didn't say a word to Sam. Apparently, he gives her X amount of money to do with as she pleases and she doesn't even spend -half- of it. She said if I ever needed money, to go ahead and call and ask for it. If she had it, and I did truly need it, she'd give it to me. Well, such an occassion happened the other day, but before I go into that...I'll just say that I was the lucky person to catch the bouqet at my grandma's wedding. Me and Marriage? Haha...not likely for a while! But at least that guarantees it, huh? I figured since I was the only -truly- single woman there (the others were engaged or had boyfriends) that if I caught the bouqet, I would surely be promised someone. So I went after it with everything I had. I even told people in the church that I didn't care who I had to kill, stomp, or run over...-I- would be the one to walk away with the bouqet. And, well, I was. ^_^;;

Now back to the deal with my grandma. Bev and I have barely any to no groceries in the house. And it's a while before I get any money coming in, So I called my grandma and asked her if she would give me 40 since we didn't have any groceries. Hell, I was even low on cat litter (which makes me think of another funny little story). Anyway, she said she had 40 and would send it to me the next day. So I get a call from her yesterday saying that she had sent it out via Western Union, and that she didn't send 40, she had sent 50. It was truly appreciated. Sometime today or tomorrow, Bev and I'll end up going grocery shopping. I still have that HUGE bucket of Chicken Lo Mein to eat. XD

Bev got some money from her mom for car insurance the other day I believe, and she came back with a few things. She picked me up some coat hangers (Which I've been greatly lacking in) and some cat litter. Well. I had went to the doctor earlier that day and they prescribed me three different things for pinkeye, one of which made me super I decided to lay down. Laying down eventually led to falling asleep. The stupid kids next door had beat on the doors all night, so when I heard it again at the main door, I was jolted halfway awake, and then I heard Bev scream "AMANDA!!!" so I promptly jumped up and ran to the door. Before I even get to the door, Bev has opened it and is carrying cat litter that is every bit 1/2 of her size and damned heavy. She was furious, even saying "If you had had your headphones on, you asshole, I was going to kill you!" or something along those lines. I explained to her about the medicine and she was later laughing about her "cat litter" gymnastics on the porch.

Already, my New Year's has been ruined by Skydude though. Most of you know why, and that's why I've locked this diary, so that he can't read everything that goes on in my life. Frankly, it's none of his business. I hate him, and until he eventually forgets about me, no more open diary.

Nevermind that though. I'm going to make this the best year ever. I have my whole life ahead of me, and this is one of my key years, since it entails graduating from high school, entering college, possibly moving x-100 number of miles away. So I'm going to take it one step at a time, which is the best I can do. Also, I'm going to focus more on my life in the real world, and less on my internet life, as I've told a lot of you as well. So you probably won't see me online for a month or possibly months.

The future is bright, and I'm going to eat Chicken Lo Mein.

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