OMGGG STAR OCEAN FREE 2004-09-04 11:42 p.m.

Mood - Crazed = @_@ + + Music - Final Fantasy 1 - Matoya's Cave

So, college started last Monday. I heard different things before going, from varied people of course. My driver instructor told me it would be easy. Jason told me it would be hard.

Bev once said that SVCC was like 13th grade.

Well, I think she was the most correct of the three. You know, no, she's not. None of them are.

It is the easiest thing I have and will ever do in my life (community college, not real college. Duh.)

I mean, really. You get up at various times throughout the day. You don't even have to go a full day. You go, get it over with, and bam. Do some homework and you're done. In high school, I barely studied or did any homework...and I still didn't have time between school and video games/anime/etc like I would have liked. Now I can do homework, go to school, sleep, play games, watch anime and *gasp* everything fits in!

I don't know if I've ever been happier with a schooling system. Sure, I have two 8:00 a.m. classes (Mon.& Wed.) that I don't like getting up so well for, but at least it's two days and not five. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my FAVORITES! Classes from 9:30 - 12;20 and then I get to come home and stay...mwa ha ha. Friday eh...four hours of straight Chemistry. My mind was kinda dead yesterday from that much exposure to that dirty little subject.

I like it though.

This week has been overall amazing. Pretty much a turn around from the way I was feeling last week. I guess school made me lay all that aside and focus on more important things. Wednesday, I got payment for a cosplay wig comission I'm doing for a girl. The wig is for Kagome from Inu-Yasha. Granted, I hate Inu-Yasha and anything Rumiko Takahashi has ever done...but I will tell you this...

I do NOT hate money of any amount.

Plus, I like styling this all balances out. Originally Miss KAGOME was a 3-4 foot black wig with even lengths. She now has bangs...but not quite as thick bangs as Kagome should have. I'll probably resume work on her Tuesday, as this weekend is Amanda-rest-and-play-Star Ocean 3 weekend.

Sugoi, I absolutely love that game. I'll talk more about it when I actually beat it...mwa ha ha.

I got two of my bottom teeth pulled for braces Tuesday. So my mouth has been royally hurting like ass ever since then (except when I've taken excedrin @_@). I plan on making a necklace with them. Any buyers? XD

On Wednesday, in addition to picking up the Star Ocean 3 mentioend above and receiving the wig, I got my contacts....I usually have clear ones, but I decided to go with blue ones. They are super awesome. Some years ago, my eyes uesd to be dark green, to where blue wouldn't show up. Now that they've lightened, the blue shows up very nicely...I adore them.

I also got more in the way of games this week. Super cool kinda boyfriend Bradley sent me his Dreamcast and a load of games. Eeep. Thank you Bradley...even though I get terribly frustrated with the games and complain about the controller being too heavy. -_- I'm sure I'll get more into it after I finish SO3.......

Also in regards to college, I have semi made a friend there. On Chemisty Day of Hell on Fridays, we have a twenty minute lunch break. I bought my drink, opened my lunch from my FUCKING HAWT Kill Bill lunchbox (Also courtesy of Bradley, isn't he the best ever?) an Asian girl asked to sit with me. Of course, she's Asian, Duh. I'm not going to turn her down, because she could use awesome kung fu on me. We talked about different things. Apparently, she's not from around here either (Moved from Wisconsin...OO; ). She also has a similar family situation, only her dad left her when she was 8...or something to that degree. We talked all during the lunch period and are now lab partners. Her name is Becca, and she feels alone. She said to me "I'm the only Asian in this school!" And I replied with "Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm 1/16th, which really doesn't count but eh...and I've seen a few other ones around here." She looked around and said "No offense to you, but they all look kinda white-washed." I laughed really hard at this point. She is a super fun and funny person. So therefore, I agreed to let her borrow both volumes of Kill Bill on Wednesday. Duh.

I think this is enough about my weekly goodness. I'm off to place Star Ocean 3.

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