- 2008-02-04 9:21 p.m.

Mood - Indescribable + + Music - TeeVee

I'm baaaaack.

Just kidding.

Actually, no, I'm not. It's been almost 3 years. C'est la vie.

I have been keeping up a normal journal over at LiveJournal, but this one's been abandoned so long, I doubt people will come over here to stalk/bother me.

So! Private-ish journal that actually isn't closed off or friends only, like my LJ.

I'm 21. I have a salaried job. I own my own business on the side. I have two cats.

I don't know how I feel about life, but I'll manage.

Maybe without all the LiveJournal DRAMA, I can write about me. Because I'm feeling so much and am unable to express it to so many people.

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