Promenade? No Thank you! 2004-05-16 10:33 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Mood - Angry Beyond Angry :: :: Music - None

I hated prom...with a passion.

Between the overly dressed people, the horrible music (Minus the jazz music in the cafeteria), it was a mess. The food was pretty good though.

Megan picked me up around 12:20 or so and we proceeded to Wal-mart and then to her house. I got ready, she helped me get ready for the most part. She cut my hair and fixed it too. It looked pretty decent...but the tiara didn't want to after the pictures were taken, I just kinda took it off and let Megan's mom keep it at her house...where coincidently, all my stuff's at at the moment. ( Is that even gramatically acceptable? O_O; )

Well, to skip the prom part, let's get to what happened afterwards. Jamie was super tired, so he wanted to leave. I was going to let him stay in a hotel room fairly close to my house. So, we left the prom at 11:30 to go get him a hotel room. The plan was for Megan to call me when she left the prom and drop by that place and take me to her house, so I'd stay over there with her last night. Well, I never got the call, and couldn't get a hold of Megan. Jamie decided to drive the hour and a half back to his house. He was going to take me home...but I couldn't go because I had to stay at Megan's house and I knew no one was home, because I told them I wouldn't be home last night and then I was told by them that they also wouldn't be there probably.

So, I told Jamie to take me back to the high school. I figured...Megan hadn't called me, so she still must be there. Mr. England let me in and I looked for her, she wasn't there. I hadn't been gone ten minutes...and he said she'd left 15 minutes before.

Basically, I was stuck. I luckily found Michael Piellucci and April there. I threw my purse. I screamed fuck in an extremely loud manner. I did something I'd never done a fit of rage, I punched the wall/lockers. I cursed Brennan, I cursed my prom date, and just about every other guy I'd ever had any interest in. I know some people saw me and thought I was going half crazy, but at this point in time I was so mad at everything that I simply didn't care.

Michael and April rode around with me. In my anger, I demanded we stop at Critterville...and then we danced. We turned his car music up and I danced around in my big poofy wedding/prom dress to Crash by Dave Matthews band. But before all this, I decided I simply, as is in my nature to do when I'm upset, eat. Nothing was open...McDonald's was practically closed...but Michael and I "insisted" that they take one more order..which was mine. So I downed my 20 chicken nuggets, I ate a bit from the M&M McFlurry..and I loved the hell out of my Dr. Pepper. I just sit around and bemoaned my excrutiatingly bad luck with every man on the planet.

If I love them and screw them, I'm fucked. If I jack them off in a motel room after I've cared about them for four years, I'm screwed. If I try to take it slow...I'm screwed. God, I just can't win, and I'm tired of it. I've given up on men for good. I'm pretty, I'm fairly decent when it comes to personality..and I have a great sense of humor. If no one can see that, then fuck them...hard...

So, yeah, basically we rode around trying to wait for a call from Megan. I called her mom to see if she had went home...maybe I got her in trouble..but I doubt it. Megan finally called me and I asked her if she still wanted me to come up there...

And I quote, from my best friend that I've known for seven years, that I've been through just about everything with.

"I think you should just go home tonight...I'll bring your stuff by before 1:30 tomorrow."

That hurt...To think that she of all people would turn their back on me. She knew all of my stuff was at her house. My clothes, shoes, bra, contact case/solution, my toothbrush. Everything..and she knew it.

I'm just a bit tired of her. If anyone says anything to her, I defend her immediately and take up for her...Come to think of it, I can't say she's ever done that for me when she's known someone's been mean or said something to me. She definately never said anything to Jake, Will, and least of all, Brennan. And if the situations had been reversed, I would've told her to still come over. She knew I was having a hard time over the prom date thing, and that I was kinda hurt, mad, tired, etc. I refuse to carry on a one-sided friendship with her.

So, here I am at April's house...I decided to stay over here tonight. I don't mind it so much; I have classes with all three of the Trent kids, and I'm pretty good friends with them, so I was pretty glad when their Mom said it was okay. Plus, their dad makes some good pancakes. I was supposed to leave this morning with Michael, but eh...his parents said a big "no." They despise me and said that I had a horrible personality, that that's why I had no friends and my date left me.

Well, they're old...and you know what? They can die with prom too.

I think I'll scour out a toothbrush, go to the bathroom, and think about last night's events...I'm not someone whose friendship is to be taken for granted.

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