Go Amanda!!!!!! 2004-12-06 11:51 a.m.

Mood - Ecstatic / Productive + + Music - various XD

Score! I feel super uber productive today!

I paid off the 150 for my spring semester. I actually got up and went to my psych class and got IMPORTANT notes for the final exam. I ate breakfast. I got my braces worked on today. I also work today and am going back to my evening class. Goddamn. It'd have been helpful for me to do this like....earlier in the semester, now wouldn't have it? XD Also, I know of at least three places that are hiring, I've gotten more wig inquiries/orders scheduled for January.

I'm a productive hot female. WOAH.

I also ended up putting the christmas tree up for the old hag entirely by myself the other day. I've just basically ignored her for the most part, but it's been tough. Instead of passive aggressive behavior, she's going more aggressive. Like for instance, the night of the christmas tree decorating (which I did a fabulous job on!), she decided she was going to follow me around, cigarette in tow. I was taking the garland out of it's cardboardy holder...(I hate the way that shit's packaged..) and she just stood there with her cigarette in my direction just looking at me. I tried to shoo her away and she mocked me. Well Sam was home and I wasn't nearly as mad as I was the other day and I just looked at her and said "yeah, because I'm totally the one shoving the cigarette in your face." and she left. Ugh.

My new best friend Jenni is awesome by the way. :D Jen Jen ROCKS. ^_^ Oh the irony of having a friend with that name. Anyways, she wants me to come visit her at the end of this month, and is offering to pay a third of the bill, and bradley's footing the second third, leaving me with the last third...which'd work out great, if I had time off work and if I had a way to the AIRPORT. ^_^ We'll see about that though. If her mom meets me and LOVES me (which she will <3) I might just be able to move in and get her dad to give me an awesome job! :D If not, then...I will so totally visit her after next semester...and...we will have the best time ever. <3

Bradley is in the process of getting a job too! He might be working at Office Depot. Wish him luck, everyone! ^_^

I don't really have much else to talk about....I guess the highlight and mascot of my new productive-ness is that little cow from Harvest Moon. Yeah, the one people got when they reserved "A Wonderful Life" for Gamecube. Apparently, we had extras, and they give them away with purchases of any harvest moon game. I wanted one...so I got it. XD I couldn't decide which one I wanted and I was distraught. Mike just was like "Rawwwwr. They're all the same. Just pick one." I said "noooo. ;_; I can't. LOOK they're not all the same! *points to different markings on their bodies." XD Mike then just shook his head and I just cloesd my eyes, reached in the bag and picked one out. Voila, instant super cute cow. <3

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Bradley - 2004-12-06 16:31:09
Aw, thanks for the well wishing, and the letter this morning. I hope you find a better job, too. Although I cannot honestly see why you would leave a place at which you can receive FREE PLUSH COWS. I just do not understand it. Every cow was different! That is saying something. They are probably crafted with love. Aaand...couldn't you just go with Sam to the airport one morning? He said he works about ten minutes away from it, soo...makes sense to me. You wouldn't have to talk to him. You could just languish in uncomfortable silence, save for the wailings of oldies radio stations.
Amanda - 2004-12-07 09:22:24
He doesn't work at the time that I'd be going to see her. Plus he and Dana would be pretty pissed off since 'OMG, U DIDN'T GO 2 VIRGINIA'Z WIT UZ. OMGGGG OMGGG J00 SUX." So, yeah.
Jenni - 2004-12-07 15:58:20
;__; omg Jen Jen is what my godfather used to call me when I was little <--- gooey-eyes and tears of happiness XDDD. *prays* I really hope you'll be able to come up and visit!!!

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