Suikoden IV and PERFECTION 2005-01-15 12:48 p.m.

Mood - Happy + + Music - Sae - Kirari * Sera Duremu! (Kirari * Sailor Dream!) - Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Opening

The class is going so well! I've just been abundantly busy lately, so I haven't had a chance to update until today. The interview at 9 was more like just filling out an application and going over it with the lady, but I had a real interview Thursday. They said they'd let me know yesterday, and if they had a problem deciding, before Tuesday, so it's either today or Tuesday that I'll find out, as they haven't called yet. ^_^ I'm very confident about this. I just KNOW I'll get it. The lady at the main branch said they'd help me to get me out in time for my Biology class on Monday and Wednesday at 6:30 (they wanted me to work until 7:00 or 7:15!). So yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll get the job.

Class has been wonderful. I love the fast pace of it too. Every night I have something to do, and I do it. So..yeah. ^_^ I've gotten A's on pretty much everything as well. Right now we're working on a huge research paper. It intimdates me, because in English 101 the bitch said that I "Failed to meet documentation standards" (I got my revised papers back Thursday). This teacher likes me though and was overlooking the papers we began typing in class yesterday. She stated that mine were "Perfect, Just perfect!" and that I knew exactly what I was doing. ^_^

I also picked up Suikoden IV the other day. I took the money out of my savings account to do so. ;_; I'm kinda in a slump when it comes to video games and anime, but I'm sure it's just because I'm busy. So, I want to give it more of a chance. ^_^

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