I Was Going to Have a Clever Latin Title For Today But... 2003-12-12 11:25 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Yeah, I left the sheet at school. Silly me!

Today has been a significantly better day than any other day this past week. I got up early today and enjoyed it. I got to school on time and had time for breakfast, kudos to Piellucci for both of those. I asked him to come pick me up this morning since it was like...7:55 and Mom still hadn't showed up, and God knows that I couldn't afford to be late again. He said he had to eat, and I was curious as to what he was eating. It was that delicious pizza that he always has, so I demanded some and that was partially my breakfast this morning. Sara supplied the other half in first period, with gummi snacks and chocolate chip pop tarts! <3

Speaking of Sara, I know legally own her soul. Piellucci was gracious enough to bring me a diet soda today. I couldn't drink it, and offered it to Mrs. Simmons, but since she is pregnant (major yay!), she declined. She apparently doesn't to drink too much caffiene in her condition. Sara then said "give it to me!" I told her no, that she wasn't Mrs. Simmons nor was she pregnant..She offered to do the latter for the coke and Mrs. Simmons promptly told her no. XD So, that was the end of that until she decided to walk over to the other side of the room while I was working and hand me a sheet of paper. The content went along the lines of

"I offer to Amanda the Supreme Goddess of the Universe one soul of Sara Messer in exchange for the Diet Coke in her possession." Fair enough. I stood up and yelled loudly "You've got a deal!" I then made my way over there and made it legal. I signed it, had her sign it, dated it, and had someone witness. Ya hear that Messer? Your soul is MINE! Hey, I gotta pay for the braces somehow...<3

But yes, today was a very good day, nevermind it being the most stressful so far. I had 4 tests today. Dear God.

Brian is home for the holidays, so I can finally call him since I forgot his number at Stanford. I did so today, but he was apparently busy...meh. I also called Jamie today. No, not Jamie as in Megan's boyfriend; No, Jamie as in super pretty and cool kid from Bristol who is an Aquarius and is manly enough to sport pink hair every now and then. He seemed surprised that I called him and said it was unusual for me to do so. I guess it is, and I was just like "HEY!" XD He then proceeded to ask me when he and I were going to get together, which is quite funny. Jamie lives an hour away, and yet I haven't met him. He won't come down here, and I kinda can't go up there except for my monthly trips to the orthodontist which've kinda been cut off now that I'm here and kinda don't have time to go during school. I'm going to see if Mom will schedule it for a day in which I don't have school, i.e. the week after next, cause I certainly can't miss for exams. Then who knows? Maybe I'll convince Bev to take me to Jamie's house while she's in Bristol. I never talk to him anymore though, and when I spoke to him today he was working an oh so joyful job at Holiday Inn. So when I go he may be working and that might mess those plans up. He told me he's getting home at 4 a.m. this morning and wants me to get on and talk to him, lest he never speak to me again. Yeah, right. I told him that he would, and he was like "well, pretend I won't so that you'll get scared and come on at 4!" I told him I'd be on at 5. I rather like getting up at 5 (at least on school days) and Bev has to get up early tomorrow to go to the DMV to get her tags transferred to her new car.

Tomorrow, coincidently, is also the day that I get to meet the little girl who contacted me about being her teacher for witchcraft. I was kinda hesitant to accept, but did so. Her mother knows, and has no problem with it. She also has a brother. Both she and her brother like anime and video games, so I should feel right at home tomorrow. They have X-2, so I'll probably stay there longer just for that! It should prove to be interesting though...but now my lazy confused ass is going to bed...It's so weird Sunday - Thursday my stupid self always ends up in bed at -least- at 2:30. Then on Friday, oh no, it's happily in bed by midnight...I really need to fix my internal clock...

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