Aww....Jealousy Hurts, Neko-chan! *hugs Tragic* 2005-01-24 4:04 p.m.

Mood - Happy + + Music -

Mmkay. I admit. I'm pretty happy with my life. It has it very low downs (like my financial problem, caused by my 'grandparents' which was the problem last night), but overall, I like it.


I'm not horribly ugly OR fat. I mean, I'm not a twig, and I'm no movie star, but I'm pretty. I guess that's more than a lot of other people can say.

I have THE most wonderful friends ever. Megan, Jason, Brett, Michael Piellucci, Elizabeth, James, JENNI, Lindsay, etc so forth. They're *real* too. They're people I grew up with, or I have *at least* met (except jenni, but she's moving in with me! <3333). I am thankful for having all these wonderful, exciting, creative and loving people around me.

I have THE BEST boyfriend ever. Seriously. I'm under the belief that he is the most patient, caring, and lovable boy that any God or Goddess has ever created. I love you Bradley. And you have to love me too, or we wouldn't have been together this long with my horrible temper and insane jealousy.

I have a wonderful pet who has just as much personality as me. I love you, Tragic. *pets*

I at least have clothes and food on my back.

I have creative talent.

I have a life outside of the internet. (This is the one I'm most thankful for...because a lot of people are jealous of me over this and that's why they read my diary. yes that means YOU mr "" and mr ""! and yes, I have an IP logger on here. <3)

I have the motivation to achieve my goals and I will do so.

And I'm happy about that.

And I'm sorry that a lot of you are jealous of me over one or all of these things.

If you don't like me, stay away from anything that pertains to me. If you don't like me, don't think about me. I didn't compel you to come here and read this diary.

And don't say shit about me. My friends will find out and they WILL NOT be happy about it. Before you go and call me an "attention whore" stop and think. Am I really the one being an attention whore? Or is it you who are so obsessed with me that you have to give me attention and therefore blame it on my so-called "attention whore"ness?

Add a comment?

Gendo - 2005-01-24 18:23:14
"Attention whore"ness? *laughs* I dont see how anyone could accuse you of such... but I like the invention of the word, all the same! Im just glad you feel better though.... very glad.
Amanda - 2005-01-24 18:44:01
Gendo! <33333 Rawr, you can kill people who are mean to me! XDDDd Or have them killed mwa hahaha.
Lindsay - 2005-01-24 19:06:38
Yay!!! I'm so happy that you're feeling good right now. I know how bad your financial situation is, but it makes me so happy that you're able to stay positive and optimistic through everything. You are beautiful and smart and talented, and I loff you! :D <3 Lindsay
Amanda - 2005-01-24 19:19:41
That is awesome, because I love you too! <3333333
Bradley - 2005-01-24 20:26:55
Well that's good to hear, since I have the best girlfriend ever. Seriously, I don't know what I'd do without someone as caring and wonderful as you. It's great to hear you coming to some of these conclusions about yourself, because they're all true.
Amanda - 2005-01-24 20:28:30
Bradley - 2005-01-24 20:30:48
That is rougly 20 pounds of emotion.
Amanda - 2005-01-24 20:32:13
Or 400 pounds of LOVE (the greasy kind <3)
Bradley - 2005-01-24 20:33:29
The best kind!
some guy - 2005-01-24 21:18:57
hahaha you guys are all tools
Corey - Real Shinji - 2005-01-24 21:22:56
I was forced to her...I don't know what I'm supposed to say though...glad she's feeling beter? That's true...
Amanda - 2005-01-24 21:29:23
Aww, he's too much of a pussy to tell his name. ^_^ No worries, I can trace the IP ^_^ And I'll know who it is.
Bradley - 2005-01-24 21:30:25
:( Do I at least get to be a socket wrench?
Gendo - 2005-01-25 00:07:58
*laughs* Its always funny when someone speaks up, but is too afraid to put a name they would be known by to it. I used to see this all the time at OpenDiary. I called a few out on it too... one of the VERY few fights (and there were many) I was in there that I was proud of. *signs with pride and dignity and all those things "Some Guy" cant possibly know about*
The Ex - 2005-01-25 02:02:28
Yea, and you still read mine. Your point? I don't think it's out of jealousy unless you're bragging about how thick-headed you are. Yea, I'd love to be completely clueless about something like myself. But at least you have others picking up where the other droolers left off. You'll always have that at least, so I guess life is great for the clueless. But, the unfortunate thing for you is that, eventually, people will catch on to who you really are and they'll eventually disown you just like everyone that you've come across for a good year or two tends to get. It's just simple logic really with the way you act. Only reason any male would talk to you is because of you flaunting what you have and of course I'll admit I had a thing for that, well, back in 2002. Course I figured you would have got the idea that no one likes you in my neck of the woods by now, but I guess you're still bragging about your thick-headedness still. Tsk, oh well. So much hope and potential for this one guys...but you should steer clear. Take it from one that's had five or six years experience with this one. She tends to get a bit old after the first few times and I'm betting that a few already feel that way about her but won't come up and tell her to her face and probably never will. Least I've learned to grow a spine over the years. So to clarify, of course I read your journal; just like I'm scientifically interested in the mouse running the maze for the cheese, it's interesting to see how far you'll go to fool yourself. So please, continue to entertain us. You're great at that.
Amanda - 2005-01-25 06:43:07
Uh, right T.J. You're a moron. :P Don't kid yourself, I don't read your diary, and Bradley can attest to that. Furthermore, you've never met me. You're just some silly internet boy who will never do anything with his life. "steer clear"? Why does it bother you that I have real friends? XD Brett has been my friend for a good five years! Jason for 4. Megan for 6, Piellucci for 2, and Bradley for 4!
Amanda - 2005-01-25 07:01:13
Piellucci is male and isn't attracted to me, and Jason and Brett are gay and so are obviously not attracted to me. So of course, that rules out them liking me for "flaunting what I've got" and at least I don't, unlike your friend Anya, put on my diary my breast size. She's a big girl. She's an even bigger flaunter, so you need to call things appropriately.

Also, there is nothing entertaining about my life unless you're a masochist. Face it, T.J., all you have is "your neck of the woods." You failed college for not being able to drag yourself away from that! You gave up your "friend" over that. You've had no years of experience with me, pal. You talked to me on the phone a few times and talked to me on the internet. Wow, you sure know me, don't you? The only spine you'll ever grow is one over the internet. You wouldn't have enough of one to say anything to me in person. And anyone that knows me can tell you that I have a pretty thick backbone, in real life and everywhere else. Again, you have no backbone on any place that matters. Aren't you the one who killed kittens just because your shitface of a father told you to? Yeah, you did it without any argument, you pitiful bastard.

Furthermore, I didn't even know I was *banned* from your board until yesterday. I thought it was hilarious, because as Bradley can tell you, I went there for pretty much one day because I was bored. ^_^ I can leave my computer, unlike you.

As for my "hope and potential," I still have mine. If you read this diary, you're bound to know that I have it pretty rough and I have a lot to deal with. The fact that I persevere through so much shows that I have that much.

Why don't you get off your ass T.J. and get a real job instead of wasting your life away on the internet? If you hate me so much, then why don't you move on with your life, and quit reading my diary religiously?

Sure, I had my obsession with you a couple of years back. It was an obsession only. I never cared about you, and I'm over it. I have a good, caring, real boyfriend now. What do you have? You sure don't have a significant other. And I might be wrong, but I believe now is your time for obsessing over me, and it sure does seem like that's what you're doing.

I feel sorry for you. You were a smart kid once upon a time, or at least I thought you were. I used to think that you were a pretty decent person, who had rationality and common sense. More and more I see I was wrong, so if the shimmer has worn off me, then it has most definately has worn off you as well.
Bradley - 2005-01-25 07:12:13
Gosh, Amanda. Apparently I only talk to you because you flaunt what you have. I honestly had no idea, but I guess T.J. has things pretty well figured out for me. Thank goodness he's here to pinpoint the underlying motives my various actions in life for me! However, I find his definition of "to her face" highly suspect. Oh well. Looks like you're going to have to flash a little boob if you want me to talk to you today, Amanda! THE TEEJ WILLS IT SO. Also, why does everyone who's obsessed with the journal of someone they claim to hate try to put up the supervillian defense? You try to conjure up the image of you sitting in a plush leather chair. There is a cat in your lap and a glass of brandy in your hand. You swirl the brandy ever so slightly, and trace the contour of the glass with your other hand. You lift the glass to your lips and take the slightest sip. A barely perceptible smile begins to show on your lips. The contents of your monitor have amused you greatly. "Hm hm hm," you chuckle softly to yourself. "Amanda White, your antics never fail to entertain me. But now, I must away! Construction is almost finished on the Peruvian volcano base." Your day is off to a wonderful start. C'mon. Seriously, guy. C'mon.
Sofie - 2005-01-25 09:23:30
I just like reading your journal, you write in a pleasant way to read, even if it's about your lovely grandparents (I got myself a seperate private journal for ranting, cause I suck at writing readable content). You need better brushes though :D
Gendo - 2005-01-25 10:33:03

*cant help but laugh at this point* Ok, I have a few points to figure here.

1st: The guy at least signed a name that could be recognized... so far thats some improve ment, but lets take a look at that "name." The Ex? Well, we already know this one wont be very objective dont we? In fact reading it, I pick up alot of bitterness... sounds to me like someone doesnt know how to let go of things...

2nd: To Bradley: ...I cant give this guy credit of even trying to be the "evil villain." He just doesnt seem smart enough if he lashes out out of what I can only see as bitterness concidering point 1. But I liked reading that anyway.... DAMN funny... even if the only way the quote of the "evil villain" went through my head was as the voice of Pegasus.... wait maybe that made it funnier.... Im not going to try to figure that out... too early in the morning to do that.

3: To Amanda: Im sorry freaks like this exist in the world.

Amanda - 2005-01-25 10:57:00
Sofie - I know XD I downloaded and cracked Photoshop and I'm due out for a new layout soon (after my exam this week for the winter course I'm taking).

Gendo - you. It's okay, I got the same impressions of teh TEEJZ.
Colin - 2005-01-25 21:56:52
Oh boy. Where can we start here... See, in case you people think that T.J. is an isolated case, then maybe I can add a little bit of weight to the argument. I was the one who banned Manda from said board, and that's because she's gotten herself banned from there more times than I can count for flaming and trolling. At first the staff was divided in regards to her, then more of them saw her true colors, and in the end the vast majority wanted her gone when she came back again. Simple as that. Hell, Manda, you still troll today. You still take potshots at people like Hiryuu and Anya despite having said in the past that you don't care about them anymore. I'd expect a lot more maturity from someone who's just turned 18. You say that you've learned a lot and that you've developed over the past few years; I can't tell whether or not that's the case offline obviously, but certainly your persona online hasn't changed or matured one iota. That's the only impression we get of you, dearie, and it's not a good one at all. I'm sure you're still happy to have your circle of admirers who fawn over every move you make, and if that's what makes you happy then fine. I'll just say the same thing that T.J. did; you don't know what you're getting into with her. It looks like you've taught Bradley well already, but I wonder how long that'll last given your past history. Beauty, after all, is in the eye of the beholder. You say that you've been through a lot in the past... I'll give you that much. But if this is the way you're still going to be acting in 2, 5 or even 10 years from now, all that hope and potential you might have is going to be totally wasted. Then again, I haven't noticed a change; why should I expect one now?
Amanda - 2005-01-25 23:10:04
Wow. I make fun of people that deserve it. How...unheard of! XD

Okay, well, let's see...if I have any group of friends, it's considered merely a circle of admirers? Wow. That's something I've never heard before. And my friends don't fawn over every move I make, and I know Bradley doesn't. I'm a nice person when you get to know me, and when you don't piss me off, and I'm sorry, but arrogant, whorey people who think they are hot shit on the internet have always pissed me off. So have people who show off a LOT of their skin, this includes ANYA.

Also, my name's Amanda. XD Furthermore, I don't care about that BOARD ZOMG. I don't know why you brought it up here. XD And I dont' know why you act like T.J. and Anya don't say things about me, I'm just more open about it because I'm not scared of them. As for maturity, where are you, Colin? Are you paying for your own school? are you struggling with any financial problems? have you had to live as an adult since the age of 9? Goshies, I bet you answered no to all of those questions. Seriously Colin, fuck off. You're a pretty guy, but that hotness is marred by your stupidity and lack of reason. I'm sorry that I call things as I see them. I don't treat people any different. If something about someone bothers me, I tell them. I play no favorites, Bradley can attest to that. And I'm done wasting my time. All I can say is I have more of a life than fighting over a SACRED, HOLY MESSAGE BOARD. I have a wonderful boyfriend, I'm moving out in 4 months, and I'm getting ready to start a business with someone. You know, I'm moving on and growing up and getting a real life, maybe you should too.
Bradley - 2005-01-25 23:45:11
Uh, yeah, I've known her a good deal longer than you have, so I know a bit more about what I'm "getting into." Thanks for the warning, though. I'll be sure to exercise caution as I navigate my clipper ship across the choppy seas of romance!
Amanda - 2005-01-26 00:47:15
Well, you've been "into it" now for almost seven months! That's much, MUCH longer than I kept around any of those other dorks. <3 So, I guess that's saying something, isn't it?
Gendo (trying to be Foamy the Squirrel for 5 minutes) - 2005-01-26 01:49:22

This will probably be my last comment on this entry, and I want to make it brief kinda breif. If you need to be amused with it, imagine Foamy saying this, as I am while I write it.

When this little argument started, it amused me, simply because it reminded me why I started the "Replies" series in my previous Blog in OpenDiary (if you want to see the foolishness Im comparing these people to, tell me... otherwise, Im leaving that behind as a memior and nothing to care about). I mean, they didnt even bother leaving names.... and then making it blatant just how biased they will be.

This last attacker, however, simply is boring. If you guys really didnt care, you shouldnt even be here... but you are, so you do. Do not try to deny what is the only possibly logical truth.
Doing so only makes you look dumber.
If you care because of some forum feud enough to come bad mouth her on hew own blog, get over yourself and go home.
We dont need that kind of pre-madona here.

Personally, I still believe this all stems out of simple bitterness...

GET OVER IT PEOPLE! *shakes fist in squirrelly wrath*

The Ex - 2005-01-26 08:39:11
Close, but you need to watch Ill Will Press a bit more...but I wouldn't put it past Foamy, that is, if he was ever interested in relationships in general. He's one of those people that doesn't need to validate his existence with another person. Plenty of people do that for him already. ...And that's all the defense you're giving me? I have a life better than you and you're a supervillian? Wow. I thought this would become a bit more challenging over the years but it's just the same 'I'm better than you' monologue that, I already stated, gets old after a few times. Maybe I shouldn't even try to come around here, even if you're asking for us to comment with our IP addresses. There's just no challenge anymore and it's gone from annoying to pathetic. If you want to be the little girl with idealistic dreams about life and how she's so superior to everyone else in general, go ahead, I was past that after the first point. You can keep denying yourself in front of everyone and it wouldn't really mean much to me. But, I'm just saying, it'd be better off if you were honest about yourself. Lot better going through life as yourself than idealistic version, unless your mentality is skewed and you can't do otherwise. Anyways, these meetings are fun and everything but just remember...if you don't want to hear from us again, don't bring anything up about us. We'll respect your privacy if you'll respect ours. We're not really into getting on your case anymore as long as you stay away. You mess around with us, then you're just going to keep getting burnt, simple as that. All-attitude, low-watt, barely thought-out replies like these don't really suffice. If you don't want to hear from any of us again then quit bringing us into the conversation. You'll continue to get reads from us, that's to be expected; I don't really think you have to go and point it out that there's a few people that think you're a psychopathic reject, you've proven that much on your own. Even though you probably only called us out to get attention. I wouldn't have said anything anyways since I only scan over it, but Colin pointed out the IPs and we went from there. So like I said, you can keep living in your idealistic world of your own creation, that's not in my hands anymore, but don't drag us into it. Don't say anything about us, even if you think you're right, and we won't come back and retort. I think that's more than fair.
Amanda - 2005-01-26 08:58:27
Whatever T.J. I'm not going to sit here and say I'm the biggest piece of shit in the world just because YOU think that to be true. There's no skewed mentality, and you're really one to call -me- a "psychopathic reject." And as far as I know, the only ones who think so are the people at that message board who probably suffer from some social disorder that prohibits them from socializing with real people

You're a moron. The end. You're the one that draws out e-mails and makes monologues, not me. I'm sorry, but I'm just not going to pretend to be a sack of shit so that you will feel better for yourself. And as for that idealistic, who doesn't try to live better and live up to their expectations of theirselves? Well, I guess you wouldn't since the biggest thing in your life is that stupid message board. And for all intents and purposes, I am better than you. Because I don't freak out over a few posts, because I don't start shit with someone else OVER A MESSAGE BOARD. I didn't "call you out" here. I honestly don't know what to say anymore, because you're a stubborn pig-headed moron.

I haven't even done anything to you. Wow. I just merely stated you have no life outside of the internet, which anyone with a hint of common sense and logic can sort out for themselves.

I'm through with this discussion, T.J. I don't know what the hell your problem is, but you had sure better solve it. I'm sorry the service I pay for does log your IP when you visit, and I'm sorry I have eyes and a brain and that I've noticed it. I for certain don't read Colin's diary (It'd probably be boring anyway XD) and I haven't read yours in a good long time, probably not since um...early early November. So you know, I'm giving you your privacy. Where's mine? Why do you compel yourself to read about someone you hate? I don't get it. I'm not messing around with you. Again, I've done nothing than make a few posts on a board on a day when I was bored. WOW. That's such an INTERNET SIN. And you're not burning me, I was amused by this at first, but now it's just become tedious to have to reply to. If you wanna think you've won, go ahead. I don't care. You can't win against someone who thinks they're always right and that they have no room for error anyways. So I'm not even going to bother, because I know I'm in the right here.
Bradley - 2005-01-26 16:28:00
"Maybe I shouldn't even try to come around here..."

I think you may be onto something there, chief.

...Christ, I hate Neurotically Yours. But that's a rant of another color.
Amanda - 2005-01-26 16:33:26
Bradley! <3 I most CERTAINLY shall flaunt for you for this. <3 <3
kattwoman2 - 2005-02-05 23:06:44
My internet just started working. Nice to see that life is looking up for you. If you ever start loosing this cheerful feeling, just read this journal entry over and over to try to remind yourself of how great life is.
lol - 2005-03-01 12:39:06
You can't trace this and you don't know who I am. Anyway, I'm a bit late. But Hiryuu is one of the saddest people I've ever met on the internet. Just thought I'd put in my 200,000,000 cents.

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