- 2005-01-20 11:20 p.m.

Mood - + + Music -

Stupid diarlyand servers went down and moved and well...apparently they didn't have a backup of my newest files! Meaning my layout is out of existence. I don't have the background for it on this computer. ;_; So I'll have to make another one. Sometime this weekend...expect it. Sigh.
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jenni - 2005-01-20 22:52:40
nyuuu your pretty layout!!! *sobs* p.s. thank you so much for talking to me, sorry i had to leave so suddenly... mom literately snatched the phone out of my hand >_<
kattwoman2 - 2005-01-23 17:30:37
Man, that totally sucks! Looks like most of it is fixed except for that one picture of you and that one guy that you used to have on the side bar.
Amanda - 2005-01-23 18:10:22
Oh MAN. "that one guy" XD XD XD Bradley'll love that. Yeah, it's the only image I didn't get back. -_- But Bradley has it in his computer sooooo uploading it will be no problem. ^_^

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