Anonymity 2004-12-24 6:35 p.m.

Mood - Angry/Depressed/Frustrated/Hopeless + + Music -

You know, it is beyond me how moronic one person can be.

I absolutely hate Dana. She is nothing but a dumb nasty bitch who is the absolute QUEEN Of Ugliness. Looking at her, there is nothing redeeming about her. All she does is smoke. And not just one every ....oh, three weeks or so. Or even one every four hours. No, it's every five minutes.

I just can't stand her. If anyone's wondering what I had for breakfast, I had a hearty filling of cigarette and cigar smoke.

I hate going anywhere with them. If it weren't for me having to get my license, I would not have came. Every time I go somewhere with them (especially...oh 7 hour CAR TRIPS) they smoke me to the point where my throat is swelled shut and to a point where it is painful to eat. And you know, I tried to be civil about it. I really did. I even asked them to open their windows. Dana does somewhat, but Sam smokes just as much as her and well, he doesn't open his window. I decided that sing I had horrible bags under my eyes this morning from 3-4 hours of sleep, that I'd try to take a nap. Well, that proved to be more difficult than just sitting up breathing-wise. Sam made a comment about how I was just making up that bullshit about my throat, etc hurting blah blah blah. Well, I discovered that between my naps, they didn't open the WINDOWS AT ALL and I know for one that Dana didn't stop smoking like she does (i.e. every 7 or so minutes...ritually). So yeah, If I die from throat cancer, I'm suing their goddamned dumb asses. I'm tired of trying to be nice to people and then being walked all over. And now, Sam's trying to analyze me and blah blah blah. Today he's like 'OH, YOU HAVE A LOT OF PENT UP ANGERRRRRRRRR."

Gee, I wonder why. It couldn't be because *gasp* people have done horrible things to me and have gotten away with it! Gasp, for me to get the least bit mad over it shows that I have ANGER issues.

The sooner I move out the better. I don't have to be dragged from place to place in a burning cigarette factory disguised as a car. I'm going to quit my job and go to KFC if nothing else is available. Filth pays well, and there's no Rodney there to get on to me and only me. I called out work the other day and he's like 'RAWR, I WANT A DOCTOR'S NOTE FROM YOUUUUU" Other people don't call out at all; they just miss work and are never reprimanded.

Also, being in Virginia doesn't help things. Dana won't let me go anywhere. Mom offered "generously" on the telephone to let me have my friends over here whenever I want! I asked her about it today and she was like "well, no , not tonight...and not tomorrow either..." Well You know, when the hell is that going to happen? Ugh.

Awesome, now Dana is inviting more annoying dumb people over here. This whole family is filth. FILTH. Why, God, why, was I put into such a horrible place? I'm nothing like them. I'm sorry, but I'm better than they are. Any of them.

I still think I was adopted. I had to be.

Help. I'm not as ugly as they are. I'm not as frightfully dumb. Someone, take me out of here!

I want to be part of a family that cares. That'll help me out. That'll actually know, appreciate me. A family that'll look at my GPA and KNOW what the hell it means and commend me for it. Please, someone adopt me!

Sigh. Yes, Mom didn't have any presents under the tree for me. At all. When I got here, she was like 'OMG, DO YOU STILL LIKE THAT INCENSE STUFF?!" and I was like "uhh..sure." Odds are, she'll go to Dixie Pottery (who is having a going out of business sale) and buy me cheap shit. I think I'm just going to tell everyone to get me money from now on. Dana and Sam got me mostly clothes. That was the most boring Christmas present opening I've ever had in my entire life. They got me clothes that are kinda "ehh..."ish. And they're like 'OMG, YOU CAN WEAR THOSE TO WORK!!!!!" So yeah, I'm not impressed. I'd have rather had money to pick out -what- kind of clothes.

I think I'm going to start on my autobiography that I will label as "fiction" so that I can change names and sell it. I honestly think I'll be working on it here. No one seems to be interested in spending time with me. So...yeah.


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Brad - 2004-12-24 19:42:59
I don't understand how people can smoke at all, let alone revel in it. Like it's a hobby or great pastime. WHY YES I LIKE TO PUMP SMOKE THROUGH MY LUNGS IT IS RICHLY REWARDING.
Ayanami - 2005-01-01 22:56:16
I wish I were there so I could spend time with you...

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