Yeah That Sounds About Right 2003-12-17 5:32 a.m.

Mood - + + Music -

It's a sad sad world when a poor school girl has to live off 2 hours of sleep, several cans of caffiene ladden soda, and nothing but her strong will.

Thank God, I'm not living in Japan, or I might not have even gotten that 2 hours of sleep. Why?


I have truly experienced hell, ladies and gentlemen. That hell is a government exam. Though I do think it would've been a hell of a lot worse if I had stayed in A.P. I think I would've...well...had no sleep for a week and would've been on the verge of going insane or passing out, whichever happened to come first.

So, now the big question is "How do you think you did on it?" Actually, I'm pretty sure I have an A. Bygod, I -knew- those definitions. I knew my Amendments, I knew most of everything else, minus the essays. I learned those in about 5 minutes though. 2 and a half in 5 minutes...Yay. So, I may have points off on parts of them (They were five each) and there were a few on the listing that I left blank, I just couldn't think of them for the life of me. Those were about .6 each. Well, staying after school that one day, plus turning my old tests in and my 98% completion of the study guide leads to at LEAST 15 points...which will make up for that and then some.

Today I have my English and Chemistry Exams...And I haven't studied. I don't need to. I know English and Chemisty like the back of my hand....especially Chemistry. I've helped others with it so many times that any problems I might've had I figured out during that time. So yeah, I've got nothing to worry about today.

Plus, I partook in "slave labor" yesterday. Bev picked me up from school during running her errands in her job for Denise, which she does to pay for her car. We went to Food City, and Food Lion and to other such places. I also got to try some of Denise's cookies at the Triple H office. Very good. So we got to go help out at her house too. I didn't mind it so much. It kept me awake and gave me something enjoyable to do. I'm actually quite a good worker if it's something I enjoy. It was very strange...this Cookie Party of sorts that Denise held, that Bev and I catered to. These people were way too social for my liking. I was scared, but not in a bad way. They made us participate, and pretty soon, we were playing charade-esque goodness via the dry erase board.

Around 7, Bev told them all that I had two "very important" exams and we had to go so I could study for them...Oh well, I'm not minding being the proeverbial scapegoat. Don's grandma thought that I was in my first or second year of college, and Bev joked that it would get my ego up. I followed up with my very real retort that my self-esteem was a very negative number. I thought it was funny. People tell me I look all sorts of different ages. Some people tell me I look 18, I look like I'm in college, and the lady at the airport the first time I flew thought I was...12. I tell ya man, if I were 12, I'd be the envy of every other violent middle schooler. But yeah, the whole work thing was fun for the most part.

I also was very tired when we came home at 7 and what do I do? I start on my lovely FFX-2. It kinda bored me after a while. All I wanted to do was read, and sleep, not run around as weak Yuna. So that I did. I wanted to go bed, but IH ave this rule that I won't go to bed at 9. Hell if I know why. So I stayed up for an hour and read and then promptly passed out when I had done my nighttime routine and cut the light off. And here I am now. I almost didn't want to get up this morning. In fact, I would have no qualms whatsoever about going to bed right now and not waking up for 12 more hours, provided there was no school of course.

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