*stretch* 2005-05-04 1:16 p.m.

Mood - Accomplished + + Music - Alanis Morisette - Thank You

I finally got the last of my packages (hopefully) in from Dana today. I have a shitload of laundry to do. I have two wigs to finish today so that they can be mailed out tomorrow. I got my Sailor Moon gashapon figures.

Speaking of Sailor Moon, here's a recent picture from Anime Boston...for the couple of hours on Sunday when I went as Kino Makoto (Sailor Jupiter) from the Stars Season in her school uniform. I'm on the far right, obviously. Who else has flaming red hair and well...3 inch roots? *rolls eyes* Besides, Mako-chan had reddish hair in the manga. XD I resized it and brightened it and my face looks kinda weird...oh well. I <3 ender and Janina (ender = sailor star fighter standing above me. Jannina = princess serenity, 2nd from left in the front row).


I'm still working on that research paper. I'm still trying to cope with everything. I've had stress induced migraines the past couple of nights. This paper is no where near being finished for tomorrow. Hell, I don't even have the syllabus in my papers. I don't even know how long it has to be. Isn't that a joke? Which also means that I have NO idea what the extra credit stuff is. So I think I'll call in and ask for a copy of the syllabus and a week's extension on the paper so I can give myself a rest. Even with my migraine last night, I tried to stay up all night to do more reading. I made it to 3 a.m. and could barely keep my eyes open and I climbed in bed with Jenni. I left her an index card note to wake me up when she got up for school (6:15 a.m.) but no such thing happened. I finally woke up at 10:30 and dragged myself out of bed to have a breakfast of Apple Jacks and strawberries. But of course, this happened after I read a few more pages.

I will be so glad when this is over.

Then again, who knows when it will be? I might get my Sesshoumaru and Kagura wig done today and shipped tomorrow, but I still have to get Lulu and Axel completed and I have to still sew ears for Ohka. They're due out in about 2 weeks...and I haven't even started on them. Add my biology exam, political science exam and trying to learn chapters of precalc to the mix and you make for one very stress induced Amanda.

I want to go visit Bradley when this shithole stress machine is over. That can be my vacation between stress hole hell that is school and wigs and my entrance into AMERICA'S WORKFORCE to earn enough money to buy myself a car.

My old job still hasn't sent my paycheck to me. The idiots said they mailed it to my home address at Dana's house. Wonderfully enough, it'll be forwarded to my PO Box then to up here...and I might see it in 2 months.

Too much to do and not enough to do. I wish I could just like...stop time or something and get everything done and then it can resume. But time doesn't stop for me, nor does the world or life. I'm just going to have to quicken my pace to the max to keep up with it.

If I'm on IM and I'm idle or away doing research, cheer for me. If I'm not, I'm probably taking a quick break so that I don't end up jumping out the window. If I'm not doing that, then prod me.

Anyone wanna keep me company on my nightlong quest tonight? It WILL happen tonight, come hell or high water. I'll drink as much coffee as it takes. Sooo yeah.

I think 10 pages will be enough on this paper. It's a wonderful thing that I can type a good 140 words per minute or else my ass'd be between a rock and a hard place. I don't even think I have enough sources. I'll see if Jenni can take me to the...Newton? library.

Jesus Christ. I need that extension..so I'll definately put in for it. Wish me luck. >_>

*Edit* I just wanted to remind you all that I'm TEH REAL SAILOR MOONZ too. XD

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K.A.T.T. - 2005-05-04 22:46:42
Holy Crap! You look young in that second picture. That is totally awesome. I'm working on a couple of reports as well, so I know what you're going through. Keep going at it and I hope that you do get that extension.

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